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Un-ban Appeal - ☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬ (Unbanned)

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☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬

Well-known member
Dear Admins 

☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬ has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: [N.L.A] Zotlex
Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198049469880
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198049469880
Date & Time you was banned:: 2015-08-17
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Brat
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: At around 23:10 I was in the middle of a fight against 5-8 cops that has been going on for 1h, and I realy haved to go because I need to go to work 05:00 AM next morning. And I don´t wanted to combatlog or something simular. So I were just rushing in and died by Fuel. And like 5-10sec after I did ALT + F4 on my game and shut down my computer and got the bed. Today when I come home from work my gang members told me that Fuel wanted to talk to me about what I did last night. Fuel don´t wanted to ban me, he just wanted to make clear that I did one kind of combat logg. We solved the problem and when I tried to log in, it stands that I got banned for combatlogg by Brat.

Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 2E)
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I know that you are not aloud to do ALT + F4, but I was in stess because I needed to go to bed. So like I said I were rusing in and died so I could leave the game (so it should now be a combat logg).
And I waited 10sec for the first cooldown to get off so my gear getting wiped. So in the future I wont use ALT + F4, even if I´m in a hurry. I will wait 30sec and then respawn and use "ABORT".
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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ok, mr Zotlex was at a shoot-out with myself and some other officers last night that lasted over an hour, at the end of it Mr Zotlex was the last member alive he shot at myself I turned round and shot him, a couple of seconds later he disconnected from the game, I checked for him on TS and he had disconnected their also.

After speaking with him he said it was due to him needing to go to bed and didn't mean to combat log, I waited today to speak to him to sort it out on TS, like we are encouraged to do and after speaking with him he was very apologetic and realised his mistakes.

It also seems Mr Brat was eagled eyed like normal and also saw it.

This was sorted out on TS today, but sadly he was already banned.



If you need to goto bed in future i suggest you do so at a time long before you get tied up or involved in anything.

Unbanned for your FINAL chance.

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