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Uban Request (No Response From Player)

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Active member
I got banned for stealing a NHS Vehicle, I took the helicopter turned the engine on flew straight up and landed it back down no damage didn't know it was NHS vehicle until i was messaged to return it in witch i did. Was in the vehicle for at least 21 seconds. Common mistake really punishable with perm ban ?  

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Fastest Unban reaction Post EVER ......

but yes put yourself in the shoes of a medic, your needed to save lives and the time we get to people is very limited, so when you saunter along and steal our vehicles please explain to me how we are supposed to get there ? Hitchhike ??

if you bothered to read the rules, you would of seen that this will = a ban. That rule is there for a very good reason. not arbitrary ones

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Report here - 

Very clear rules here - http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/2548-altis-life-rules-updated-october-2014/

"Medics = You must not kill a medic or steal there uniform, equipment or vehicles this will result in a instant ban"

With that being said all bans here are perm unless appealed successfully so you "common!" .... Now what part of going up a hospital roof and stealing a bright YELLOW chooper with ALTIS AIR AMBULANCE on the side did you fail to realize it was a medic vehicle ? 

I was there and the medic said if he returned the chopper I would not get reported, and we had no knowledge at the time I could get ban for that since there are a "FEW" rules that need more into reading.

Plus he gave it back and said sorry.

I understand when some people take the chopper and don't return, But i was just in air for seconds, landed and apologized to the pilot. 

Fastest Unban reaction Post EVER ......

but yes put yourself in the shoes of a medic, your needed to save lives and the time we get to people is very limited, so when you saunter along and steal our vehicles please explain to me how we are supposed to get there ? Hitchhike ??

if you bothered to read the rules, you would of seen that this will = a ban. That rule is there for a very good reason. not arbitrary ones

Sorry but what you mean with that? There were 4 medics every one of them in cars I don't think what you are saying even makes sense to the issue.

And I know for a fact some of you know even know how to pilot the chopper.

The problem here was he stole the chopper was told to give it back because It's forbbiden and He did it plus one of the 2 medics there lied to us saying that he wasn't get reported so it's good to know that NHS in this server have dishonest players. 

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Well its a rule break it should of been reported and someone rightfully did... the NHS dont make the rules... if they see someone breaking the rules then yes they should report rather than making deals.

Now read the rules... once you have post your GUID and we may decide to give a final chance.... trying to wind up the NHS in this post wont help that.

One of our NHS members has twice not reported someone because he returned the vehicle. I decided that the only way to stop this was to report it. Sorry if we lied...

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Sorry but what you mean with that? There were 4 medics every one of them in cars I don't think what you are saying even makes sense to the issue.

And I know for a fact some of you know even know how to pilot the chopper.

The problem here was he stole the chopper was told to give it back because It's forbbiden and He did it plus one of the 2 medics there lied to us saying that he wasn't get reported so it's good to know that NHS in this server have dishonest players.
Personally I dont care if they are in cars, if a helicopter is needed to get to a patient you explain to me how he is supposed to do that?

It is quite likely that a superior medic told them to do so regardless of what they told you. I personally in the last week have had my vehicle stolen over 20 times I have neither the patients or the empathy to deal with your selfish behaviour.

Read the rules, accept you fucked up, and make decent apology to be allowed to play here again. It's a privalidge not a right.

I also fail to see how calling into question the piloting skills of a medic have any relevance to this unban request.

Personally I dont care if they are in cars, if a helicopter is needed to get to a patient you explain to me how he is supposed to do that?

It is quite likely that a superior medic told them to do so regardless of what they told you. I personally in the last week have had my vehicle stolen over 20 times I have neither the patients or the empathy to deal with your selfish behaviour.

Read the rules, accept you fucked up, and make decent apology to be allowed to play here again. It's a privalidge not a right.

I also fail to see how calling into question the piloting skills of a medic have any relevance to this unban request.

What is selfish about giving what was stolen you really have to explain me that.

I never fucked up because I was not related with me I'm just defending the person.

You don't even know who got ban so go back "saving people" and leave the people that know about the incident take care of it.

Read the rules, accept you fucked up, and make decent apology to be allowed to play here again. It's a privalidge not a right.
Nice you sound like a really cool guy, Nice ABUSIVE language aswell. I did admit i made a mistake and I did apologize. 

Read the rules, accept you fucked up, and make decent apology to be allowed to play here again. It's a privalidge not a right.
Nice you sound like a really cool guy, Nice ABUSIVE language aswell. I did admit i made a mistake and I did apologize. 


What is selfish about giving what was stolen you really have to explain me that.

I never fucked up because I was not related with me I'm just defending the person.

You don't even know who got ban so go back "saving people" and leave the people that know about the incident take care of it.
Saying somebody "fucked up" is not abusive language it is a colloquialism. Selfish in the fact you took it in the first place.

I have said my piece I shall comment here no further as it's becoming redundant, if you accept my opinion and guidance that is down to you.

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Depends if your here to cause trouble and act like a idiot... your if you are going to follow our rules ?

I will await your response on that one

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