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Turtle (Action: Ban Issued 03/12/2014)

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Destroyer of Shit Tech Advice
South East UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):Turtle
Time & Date this happened:28/11/2014
Description of what happened: Man was upset that this player in a stolen police car had killed him and his colleuges in a car crash, took it upon himself to try and take him out by ramming him with a new vehicle after respawning. Whilst we were trying to get him out fo the vehicle, (he wanted us to repair it lol, he refused to exit the vehicle)
was warned multiple times not to use his vehicle as a weapon, caused the death of a medic when he rammed medic SUV my sound on my recordings has malfunctioned again :( so no audio so just included the original VDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:Yes he wouldn't listen, he rammed somebody else at the garage at a later date, so we had another word that he really cant do this ..... if you would like the full video I can upload but there is no audio im afraid :(
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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6351adecb843e5b35d19fcbebb977ba2 -1 Turtle - Forum Report 03/12/2014

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