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[TKC] RAMBEAU (Rejected but more spectating to take place)

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Well-known member
Poland, Krakow
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): 
Time & Date this happened:
09.01.2015, ~8.30 GMT+1
Description of what happened:
I was trying to get into friends HEMTT near drug dealer in Kavala. And suddenly I got shot, whithout any warning, nothing.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
  I sent him an sms, but no reply.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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lol thats cute.. how about showing the rest of the video where you guys opened up on us for no reason...

lol u clearly dont as they both have nothing in common nor did i RDM...

Show me when I or other TI member which was present there, were shooting to you? [TI] Walker showed up with his truck, I was the support, he sold his baby powder and we were about to leave. Then you shot me with no reason. Propably you thought I have cash from drugs, but I hadn't, unlucky for you. 

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TI had nothing to do with the shooting earlier, I am not TI. No warnings were issued, no rp engaged, you just killed him out of the blue. I am only posting because i killed Rambeu afterwards and i was nearby.

This will be my one and only post in this report unless an admin wants something.

As you see in doohicy's video, ti had Nothing to do with the engagement at all


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This video is not long enough to show what happend. Anyone that is in a fight could try to flee after and be killed, then post a short video where it just shows them being killed.

I have video of his friend being killed by Grannez (after failing to comply to demands from me, asking him to put his hands up), however it doesn't continue onto when Rambeau killed Mimsky as I stopped recording as soon as I thought the incident/encounter was over with.  At least it will show that the incident he believes he is retaliating to does not even involve the folks shown in the report's video (at most it shows that PLF wanted to provide protection to TI who just approached the drug dealer to sell a good amount of time after TKC member was killed, but no RP was initiated between TKC and TI... only RP that was initiated was between myself, the TKC member who failed to comply, and 2 other gentlemen who had just exited the vehicle being driven by the TKC member).

I will upload if deemed relevant.

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I'll render and upload what I have (will take a bit, will edit this post with video link)

This shows the incident/shooting that happened between PLF, TKC (+1 aggressor, I think Progg was TN not TKC, but I suppose that's irrelevant, they knocked me out then hopped into the vehicle being driven by TKC, I thought they had robbed me but either way, still assaulted me).    You can see TKC Rambeau jumped out of the vehicle and high-tailed it out of the area, we didn't bother looking for him a the time.  I have about another 4 minutes of footage from where this cuts out, + another 13 from before it starts, but it's all just me running around the drug dealer like a drunk nincompoop making sure nobody was trying to sneak around.

TI arrived in their trucks a little while after this all went down, they weren't even involved in this incident, at all.  I can post the full 23 minutes if deemed necessary, but it's a 45GB file raw, will take forever to process (i can let it process when I go to bed if necessary).

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Video is still not long enough. This report is very unclear.
Stop trying to get out of this, let the admins handle it. Every single post you do is just you panicing and trying to get this to close.

I started recording when HEMTT arrived. So I have this.

It looks like I captured some footage of that same hemmt as you guys started selling, I can add that up as well (may add some time-line between our videos to go from the begginning of the shootout between PLF and TKC, to your death).  Again, might take a while to render since the source is a 45GB file, took 3 tries + 30 minutes to upload last time (about 2 hours).

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He is advising that you was shooting at him, Can you provide a longer video please so i can see the minutes leading up to this shooting.

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