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[TK] Recon and Zythra VDM + Breaking NLR (Rejected - Evidence is no good)

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Ali E

Ban-rifle success
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):[TK] Recon Zythra
Time & Date this happened:26/12/2014 probably around 11.00 at the evening in british time
Description of what happened:We were camping at the drug dealer suddenly 2 hemmt boxes came there and we told them to stop or we will shoot. They didnt stopped as expected but we managed to kill them. After that Recon was mad at side chat and he talked thrash about us which he did earlier too and he said he will break the rules he will come back and kill us and there will be a payback. After we lockpick the trucks and sell the goods we saw recon patrolling around us which he broke NLR. We decided to take the hemmt's to the chop shop. While were on road i was driving and stealthee from AEGIS was sitting next to me then suddenly someone crashed us with a vehicle leading me and stealthee to death. And after that they told on side 'We told you we will kill you we did what we said'. For the record he was at the drug dealer after we killed him as you can hear me shout recon is here and he rammed us with a car with his friend zyrtha which he was with him.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:Yes and he refused to comply or compensate. And he kept talking thrash about me and my gang Gc
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Stealthee will upload the video on as soon as possible.
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Video is low quality as obs wont record in Kavala any better without loosing more frames. At the end where is freezes before death it is because I was on my other monitor using teamspeak dealing with another issue.

EDIT: Full screen that shit if you struggle to see names :D

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first of all i didnt shout at you guys in side ? "that Recon was mad at side chat and he talked thrash about us which he did earlier too and he said he will break the rules he will come back and kill us and there will be a payback'

i dont agree with that . i said ' it was not nice of them .' i never talked trash about them

Yes and he refused to comply or compensate. And he kept talking thrash about me and my gang Gc

 : i dont know what you mean but i wouldnt comp , but i dont 'kept talking trash' i said no i dont want to comp'

u say : And after that they told on side 'We told you we will kill you we did what we said

i've nothing to do with that.

and when was i patrolling?? , i was in kavala driving not even close to the drugdealer ..

i killed them with role play lol , i said get out of the car or i will shoot , 'they didnt get out' , so i opent fire and kill both of them.

Well Recon all i am going to say that youre lying. You typed in side thrash about us. You said you will break NLR and you did you were in the beige hatchback you drove near me and i got your name tag so did stealtheee when he aimed at you youre were in the beige hatchback with the front right tire down. And you and your friend was following us from keychain which you rammed me and stealthee when you find us which is agaisnt the rules. And you said that you will break the rules come back and kill us when you did find us and VDM'd us you typed 'i did what i said' in side chat. I have like 6-7 people who witnessed it which were in the area with me so please cut the crap.

Poor evidence, I can see that a death happened but i cannot see how.

This could of been edited, from where you are "driving a hemmit" to where you was "dead in a house" shows this could be edited... im unable to issue a ban

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