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Ti Matsi - RDM

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):TI Matsi
Time & Date this happened: 10.10
Which Server did this happen on:1
Description of what happened:TI matsi and TI Pythison told me to to put my hands up in kavala. I brought me in a car and drove me to the airport. On the way there i chose to bite my own tounge off as a part of my rp. They took me in a heli at the airport and on the heli ride they confirmed that i have been taken hostage which they confirm 38.00 min. No cops have been called in for ransom. Which they dont mention at any point. 
We get to their base and they operate my tounge back on me so i can talk a little which the video shows at the end. They wanted to ask me some questions but because they still cant understand me they and me a piece of paper to write on. i complied to their questions and he still ended up shooting me. 
What Rule Was Broken ?:3B
[SIZE=medium]Giving enough time for them to comply with your order[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:no
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

Number 1, You got kidnapped and then you bit your tounge off wich is bad RP, as we cant RP when you bite your tounge off. And then we did a surgery on you to put your old tounge wich was up your ass and stiched it back on you. This is the worst RP experience iv'e had on this server so far. i cant see how you're even a Sergant.

2. We were in the redzone.

3. You failed to complie and we gave you 10 seconds to complie.

4. You Failed.

Also you failed to try to contact me on Teamspeak, i cant even belive that you bit your tounge off just to stop RP, i mean comon You're a sergant.

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In all seriousness this is a roleplay server, And you bite your tounge off wich pretty much CANCELS all RP you can participate in, Then me and matsi then did a surgery to put your tounge on again... 

Then we played a game wich required you to answer a few questions, and what did you do? you sat there not answering any questions we gave you, then we decided to count down from 10, so we did. When we got to 0 we shot you.

also to add on to this, we were in the redzone meaning we have alrights to just shoot you... 2 you weren't comeplying... and 3 you bit your tounge of so you couldnt speek! huh

First, you did it literally at 0 and second we were in the redzone, seriously? we had alrights to kill you.

Stupid RP. Biting your tounge off? Im sorry but if you want nice RP you have to give nice RP. What do you expect them to do?

You just bit your tounge of and make quality RP almost impossible.

Im honest if someone would do this with me I would just shoot his leg and leave him in the middle of the desert so you die on dehydration and theres no evidence on me. That's also RP isn't it? But shitty RP. No one enjoys this.

I understand that some getnleman here should step up their RP and that there is a lot of judging and negative attitude towards certain gangs - still this does not release you from the duty of RPing.

Denied - 22/05/15

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