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[TI] BennyBait - Unban appeal (Unbanned 30/04/15)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name: [TI] BennyBait

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198092032105

Your GUIDc29f7802800566c0d99321ae466875fb

Date & Time you was banned: [SIZE=medium]23/04/2015 ~00:05[/SIZE]

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 3C)??[SIZE=medium] Trolling - The following examples are considered trolling however there are multiple others so we advise common sense.[/SIZE]

Running around the police/medics/anyone, throwing yourself in front of vehicles, playing music in any chat or on teamspeak, bombarding the messaging system, buying multiple vehicles to block spawn areas or using them to blow things up, jumping off buildings without RP,spamming the vote admin or vote kick system, talking/playing music in the lobby screen, playing soundboards/voice changers ingame and open TS channels (Punishment is a ban, or a unappealable ban depending on the admins decision).

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

Hi, me and two other gang members were messing around at our TI base (we just died from crashing in a Heli and waiting for restart) and were jokingly holding each other up (you'll see from the video).

Then Crumble says 'defiantly don't rob me now' (so ofc I did as he was joking) and he had 2 mill cash on him. Obviously a few peeps in chat said 'wow' and 'lucky you'. Naturally I gave the money back and that was that...

Then log on after the reset and get the message seen below...


Now I'm relatively new to this server, read the rules and did not know there was one not allowing me to do this (messing around having a bit of fun with other gang members) but now I do!!

So anyway thought this was a bit harsh... but learnt my lesson  B)  

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2AEZMOUhG4&feature=youtu.be

And again, no harm intended and apologies for any done.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: N/A

Adding this for the admin who reviews this

Poss exploiting 10 mins before restart, reported by various members of the community, One actually had a screenshot.


Oh I see, I have a full long video right up to restart if you want. Also see me sync data just after sending the money back. Wasn't trying to exploit any money!

delete post Benny already replied. 

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So you do this kind of stuff when you KNOW others can watch it and WILL report these actions as it has been used in the past to dupe money?

Give me one reason that I should unban you? What would you add to the server?

Was only just having a bit of fun... Didn't mean to cause upset and definatly won't be doing it again. I like to think I'm a nice player; always having fun RP with others. And I didn't realise that you can exploit the money until recently so wasnt intending any harm.

I still dont understand why there are gaps in the video at some vital points in the conversation. It makes this look extremely suspicious especially when afterwards you are talking to each other about syncing your data.

Longer videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wYRB8qDUpo&feature=youtu.be

Points and replies to previous and possible allegations:

  • I'm telling him to sync his data as he said he was lagging... otherwise I would have sent him 2 mill, he would have lagged out and 2 mill would have been lost in the void.
  • When robbing Crumble, technically I engaged him in RP when robbing him and did not know how much money he had anyways. And yes, you aren't allowed to 'take you're own gang member hostage' in the rules but this wasn't serious and I wasn't taking him hostage.
  • When talking about whether he should rob the money back or I just send it, I said in the video 'I want everyone to think I'm rich'. This is partly true (but most things I say is sarcastic, like wanting him to have the bounty too). I also didn't want it to alert the players in the server again to further aggravate people in game so just sent him the money back as it's easier (also looking back now he would probably have been in the same boat as me). Most people with half a brain looking at the message would see that if a [TI] is robbing a [TI] then they aren't really robbing eath other (which I've seen other gangs do).
  • I got a 75k bounty from doing this... Some might say that's cheating and we boosted the bounty. Well I didn't and don't want the bounty anyways and was contemplating killing myself after to get rid of it (didn't want the hassle from police) so this can easily be removed.
  • Aren't there logs for the server? Surely Crumble's and mine's bank accounts could have been checked? (even though the video clearly shows me giving 2 million back and the IMMEDIATELY syncing data). If I really wanted to exploit money then we would have sent it between ourselves rather than attract attention and rob it from each other.
  • If I knew this was against the rules, then I wouldn't have done it unlike other people performing RDM/VDM/metagaming where they KNOW it's not allowed.
  • Nobody has benefited nor been harmed from this (except me of course).
A couple more points; what am I actually being accused of here? Trolling/messing about, glitching/exploiting or both? Yeah I was messing about but no harm was done... And there was absolutely NO exploiting going on as proved in the videos and my points.

Also, I'm 2 weeks into the server, which is why in the video I was asking about the exploits that people could do with sync data (which I HAVE NOT and WILL NOT be doing) and is also why when Vladic says 'So you do this kind of stuff when you KNOW others can watch it and WILL report these actions as it has been used in the past to dupe money?' I don't KNOW, because I'm new. If I knew, I wouldn't have done it.

Anymore questions or video's about this I will be happy to answer/show. If it must be needed I can make a very boring 20 minute video showing all my actions up to restart from robbing Crumble, but hope this isn't necessary as my crappy internet will take ages to upload it and I hate listening to the sound of my own voice.

You were accused of glitching money. Your account has been reduced to £0 by the admin who banned you as a precautionary measure and without your video showing what you actually said or did during the whole thing if someone else had reported this with a video in the reports section you could still be looking at a ban.

Now I am willing to unban you and will restore your cash to £1 mil as a warning.

Are you willing to accept this?

I watched the video in full. I have unbanned you and set you too £1 mil as stated.

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