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This took way too long to do... HAHA


Well-known member
Well this is well overdue.. to be honest, i completely forgot.. for like 2 years.. yeah you read that right.. haha

Hey guys, Daniel is my name, I've been playing on the server for over 2 years, I'm pretty sure. Its had its ups and downs but its all good now. I currently lead the Kilted Vikings gang with one other. We are very active, almost every night.

I am 20 and I'm a biker, Sport bikes all the way, no tractors, they suck. ? Just kidding some of them are ok, still wouldn't own one though < gonna take some flak for that. haha I work part time at Pizza Hut as a chef (YES I GET FREE PIZZA, before anyone asks) While i study Engineering at College. 

I can be quite quirky, weird sense of humor, if you give me shit, i will give it back. So best stay on my good side. ? 

Dont have much more to say honestly. Not much to tell.
