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Theodore Bagwell (Unbanned 29/03/2015)

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Your In-game name: Theodore Bagwell
Your Steam Profile ID:mackepark http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992768523
Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):
Date & Time you was banned: 28/03/2015, 02am
Please copy and paste the rule you broke:  3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:
Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

You can see how clear we hear that guy, and in his video he couldnt hear us, thats not our fault that he has earplugs in. Even before this video started we told him to put hands up several times, he didnt listen and then instead he lies on the ground. We cant be sure that he doesnt pull his gun out when he lies down and tries to shoot us. Thats why we had to put him down, he didnt listen to us.
he even said "hello guys
if you look at the video where i got ban you can hear that they have change the voice of me and my gang, like he have put down volume of our voices
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: Because we were in roleplay, it's not our responsability that he doenst have earplugs in and cant hear us. You can see how clear we hear him, so he should have heard us aswell, And because i always follow rules carefully to not get banned. I will be even more careful in the future.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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Ear plugs do not adjust the volume of people speaking it only reduced the noise of vehicles... it was mainly put in for talking in choppers or in the back of a police car.

From the video i cannot hear any speaking, i note that he is running away from you... he hasn't shown aggression at any point so why did you open fire ?

Hes also massively out numbered so would be stupid to even try with the worth of gear he is carrying.

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To be honest, if you look where he is coming from there were like 10 people there killing cops. He was 1 of them. Just 30 sec before i started filming this there were tons of gunshots over there at the road. And are you serious about not hearing us telling him to put his hands up???? instead he lies down at which point he could be pulling out his gun and shooting us.

Also, you can hear how EXTREMELY clear we can heear him. and we're even yelling in our mics. He has to fix his Sound so he can hear ingame voice properly. In my opinion this is not a ban deserved, at most a warning...

After he's been killed you can see me scoping at the cars, and then seeing the people there are gone(they were alot befoer), i tell my friends " we need to go they are coming for us" so its not like we were not under pressure/threat at this point.

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To be honest, if you look where he is coming from there were like 10 people there killing cops. He was 1 of them. Just 30 sec before i started filming this there were tons of gunshots over there at the road. And are you serious about not hearing us telling him to put his hands up???? instead he lies down at which point he could be pulling out his gun and shooting us.

Also, you can hear how EXTREMELY clear we can heear him. and we're even yelling in our mics. He has to fix his Sound so he can hear ingame voice properly. In my opinion this is not a ban deserved, at most a warning...

After he's been killed you can see me scoping at the cars, and then seeing the people there are gone(they were alot befoer), i tell my friends " we need to go they are coming for us" so its not like we were not under pressure/threat at this point.
I have man flu at the moment, can you supply what time in the video you are talking and ill raise the volumes over the norm.

usually when people dont listen directly, they are trying to fight back, it has happened a ton of times before and it have gotten me killed before
as you heard on his point of view in his video, he was talking to people,. he was basically trying to stall us untill they could kill us.

I know the forum rules and I'm very sorry to interrupt here. But as stated above^^^^^^

We were 3 other people, all a kilometer down the road with the cops and talking among ourselves, so you cannot say he was trying to stall you, as in his video you can clearly see he puts his gun is his bag.

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@Wilco if u mean where im saying we should get out, its in swedish, but its at 0.35 "vi måste dera, dom kommer komma" means "we gotta go, they are coming for us"

If u mean where we tell him to put his hands up i dont even know how you could miss that. its right at the start of the clip

No, we are in skype at the same time. My point was that its obvious that we were under threat because i told my friends over skype in swedish that we had to go instantly after the fight. we always roleplay in english. but we speak swedish with eachother over skype.

Also the reason im even having this video is because i know how butthurt people get all the time when they get killed, so from now on im recording all our plays just to prove what happaned. and you can clearly see here that we are telling him to put his hands up, he isnt listening-we put him down, NO rule broken here.

Also there is no place where we can read about details, such as how long time is needed to give someone to listen before you can kill them without being banned? Can you attack other peoples friends instantly if they arrive later to a battle or do you have to run close to them just to start RP aswell? there are so many things about the rules that is unclear, and i'd love if you could give us some more details.

However i will keep recording every action we have from now on.

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can you answer my friend pls 

whats happens with me now ? do we have enough facts to release my ban

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