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The Untold Story [MOVIE]

Simply amazing. The song at the start... Wow. @DCC LONG BEARD Phenomenal voice on you! 

Cracking story, music throughout and acting by all involved! Loved it completely! ❤️

Cherry on the top of the cake was the Line of Duty music in the credits! Chills @CI Ivhan! Simply incredible!
I love your response man! I really appreciate your comment and i am pleased to hear that you have enjoyed the video. I just needed that LoD theme in it, so suitable!! Thanks alot , once again !

I love your response man! I really appreciate your comment and i am pleased to hear that you have enjoyed the video. I just needed that LoD theme in it, so suitable!! Thanks alot , once again !
Can Roban join one of the video's for a few seconds? Possible with a funny joke or phrase or something? 🙂

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The music is fantastic, really good job editing that side of it together
