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The trial and execution of Knight


Currently residing in Los Santos
After having recieved numerous reports from scared civilians in and around Kavala, the COA decided the rampage of this criminal, known as Knight, had gone on long enough.

Being all on my own, and unable to locate this man, I decided to call in the help of professionals. Real professionals.

The Serco Security company was prepared, under the name of an exception, to provide their unmatched skills to track this individual down. I directed them toward the area of Kavala, as most of our reports came from there.
And within 2 hours I got a message from the SCO chairman, and we could pick up the subject.

He then was taken to Thronos Castle, where a court of 3 judges tried his case. Evidence was already presented before the case, which was to make him share his side and to live up to his crimes. After his confession, the court unanimously declared him guilty of:
- Murder, numerous counts

- Armed Robbery

- Theft

- Extorsion

- Scamming

He was sentenced to death for his crimes and was summarily executed by the Thronos Court, by firing squad.

Justice was served.

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Damn it! 

I wanted to provide justice to Altis so I joined the police force. Now I realise that justice would be better served with you lot. Well fuck-a-doodle-do. 

Shooting would be a lot more gratifying that arguing the toss with complete fucking idiots.  :D

Well, if you cops ever have someone in custody you rather have put down, feel free to send me a message that you are all alone in the wilderness with a broken vehicle. I will gladly help and repair and as payment take your prisoner. He will be given a trial and a ''fair'' sentencing.

"Broken down... Alone in wilderness"

Understood.  ;)

ha ha this plonker tried to rob me with a trg.....i had mxm he said "get out of the car if you turn i will shoot you" i got out and shot him before he even fired 

Must of being a very well organised gang to pull of such a task of hunting down an individual on such a big Island! xD ;)

We had caught him in within 10 mins of him relogging in, We couldnt of done it without an effective team tbh... 
