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The story of Loki the Cursed


Romania , Bucharest
The first thing i remember is being cold , wet , and very confused. That's how my life started , waking up one cold night on the shores of Altis.

I can't remember much from my previous life , only bits and pieces and mostly through dreams . I dream of snowy mountains and ancient  forests , of never ending desert and smell of jasmine , of steamy jungles that vocalize their discontent about my presence. And that's about all , i don't remember any people or even my name.

     My name was given to me by my savior , an irish fishermen called Aengus , i just call him Gus , which drives him mad .

 Aengus was the one who found me on the beach that night , i was  walking around , naked and wet , babbling nonsense . He took me to his home and patched me up , i was in a pretty bad condition but after several days of sleep and care i woke up. In this time , old Aengus used to tell me the stories of his people , stories about gods and heroes , among all of them one character caught my attention , Loki . Hence i couldn't remember my own name i decided to borrow the one of my favorite character .

After  two months of trying to learn the ways of the sea and failing miserably , Aengus talked with one of his old rebel connections trying to get me a job,  so i became a lookout for the rebels , the pay was good and the risk low. But soon i found out i was actually quite skilled in the art of warfare , that , plus my total disregard for laws and rules  helped me advance in rank among the rebels and soon they started giving me more serious jobs. 

I didn't really cared about the whole fight for freedom and rebel cause , i was there for the excitement and the potential for chaos, the money didn't hurt either .

When i did my first drug run , i knew i found my purpose in life , my role on this planet was to bring joy to people and get rich while doing it. What better way to fight the oppression of the government then by giving people happiness and the power to dream ,  in forms that they could snort , smoke or inject. The way was clear for me , i had to become the biggest dealer in Altis,  the saviour of this poor wretched souls.

So here i am , struggling everyday to make life better for the citizens of Altis , and ending the suffering of those who stand in the way of my charity.

    Before i end my ranting here are a few things about myself:

 I'm a pleasant and trustworthy fellow .I enjoy long walks on the beach under the cover of the moonless night , i enjoy them mostly while being chased by the fuzz . I like chatting and helping people in any way i can , if your backpack is to heavy i can take it from you . I never kill people , unless i have to defend myself or it has comical value . People say I'm crazy , i just think I'm misunderstood. 

Please disregard everything that was written above , this man is a dangerous sociopath and he was a "guest" of the Mental Asylum for the last 3 years. He is delusional and suffering from psychosis.

If you ever meet him please do not engage him in any way and quickly contact the police.

                            Dr. Aengus O'Brien 

