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The reincarnation of me

Guy Stuffing

Well-known member
Guy Stuffing looked down onto the wet floor of the speedboat, pondering over his future. His hands curled around his Glock 19. He loved the cold, metal feeling in his hands. A wave splashed over the side of the boat and drenched Guy in water.

"Damn" he muttered, looking at the stains all over his striped t-shirt.

The boat was nearing land. He had to enter conspicuously, as to not alert the target of his presence. The boat stopped in the shallow waters of Kavala.

"I believe this 'ere is yer stop, mister" shouted the captain over the roaring of the engine. Guy pulled the cutoff lead and jumped onto the wet quicksand, quickly squelching out of there as not to get stuck. His ride was waiting for him, of course. He climbed into the MH-9 Hummingbird and the blades started whirring faster and faster into a blur. THe pilot expertly pulled the collective and suddenly Guy was rising into the air. He could see the twinkling lights of Kavala, and the distant cracking of gunfire. He saw a quad bike and a hatchback flaming in the main square, an NHS operative observing it tentatively. A police helicopter swooped over the wreckage, as several cars arrived to investigate the crash. Guy chuckled to himself. The hobos of Kavala always caused a mess. He was almost dozing off when his drop zone came on. He hooked his parachute over his back and was standing in the doorway.


He looked towards to cockpit, the pilot was slumped forward in his seat, the helicopter tilting rapidly. A light blinded Guy, as the police helicopter had flown over after the police had somehow found out what they were doing there. The helicopter was armed with heavy-duty machine guns. Guy dived out just as the helicopter exploded as bullets and smashed into the engine and sent it spiralling down into the outskirts of Kavala. A wail of sirens was heard as the NHS rushed to the scene. Meanwhile, the ground was approaching rapidly.

He pulled on the ripcord. Canopy? check. Guy steered towards a back alley in Kavala, and was just about to land in a dumpster when BANG! His head hit a drainage pipe and he floated down, unconscious, into the dumpster...

He suddenly woke up, without a clue where he was or why he has in a dumpster. He had no memory of the mission, as it where. All he could remember was getting dressed in the morning and then he was here. He read a sign, in Greek and English. "Kavala" it read. Strange, he thought to himself, why did I wake up in such a random place. He got out of the dumpster and made his way to the police station...

*   *   *​

Hope you enjoyed it, guys. This is how I ended up in Kavala ;)

Glocks are from a composite and aren't made from metal. Besides that welcome to sunny altis

Well, i hope you not like your old self. First time i saw your name was on this 

 But apart from that, have a good, clean slate mate. Nice story btw
