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The Re-Birth of Nasty Nova


Well-known member
West Yorkshire
So lets go back to when I turned 18 and Nasty Nova began his rain of terror amongst his fellow students at his local University in England.

I simply started out scamming fellow students out of their hard earned beer money selling them faulty computers rigged with key logging viruses.

After stealing over 15 million pounds from the students a warrent was taken out against me and my home on campus was raided, the police found fake passports and tickets to the island of Altis, by this time i was obviously long gone and settling into a life in Esseker, the plane tickets was a rouse to throw off the police....

While I was there I needed new equipment to start up a new scam, at this point I met an unruly gang of bandits named the Fedora Gang, these guys took me under their wing, although it felt very forced, they even made me wear a fedora for christs sake.

They showed me the ins and outs of their operation and persuaded me to use my charm and sales skills to move into a career of drug smuggling and sales, they showed me how they shipped drugs across the borders using hidden pouches inside the fedora shipments they did on a daily basis.

A great friendship was formed but as the police started to track me down issues arrised for the Fedora Gang and they asked me to flea the country and contact them when I found another island for us to start our drug trade in.

Altis was now where my mind was focused on for our latest venture of illegal activity, but as I had left those tickets in my old house back in England the police was already scouring the city looking for me, although i had a fedora now to disguise my identity i was quickly arrested when I was seen at the side of the road mugging a citizen and stealing their car.

Obviously when I was arrested I was found with large amounts of meth and large bundles of cash.

The police read me my rights and shipped me straight to the Altis Prison, lucky I had the foresight to ram a phone up my corn hole in the back of the cop car, stupid cops had no idea...

After only 2 hours into my 4 year sentence Nasty Nova called in the Fedora Gang with his contraband phone and made a swift escape via a friendly chopper from the Altis Prison, now searching for a new place to call home, I scoured a map that was pinned to the inside of the chopper and I yelled down my helicopter headset yo ho to Tanoa!

So at around 2pm the following day I was woken by the head of the Fedora Gang given a pistol and he whispered in my ear we are here, just as I got out of the now landed and completely silent helicopter Ubiq said in firm voice don't forget to have a smoke Nova....

The chopper engine purred to live and they flew off into the distance, I stood their with a pistol, a fedora and a packette of cigarettes wondering what was next in store for Nasty Nova, my brain spinning in circles wondering why Ubiq told me to have a smoke... I opened the ciggy packet to find a note that contained directions to a safe house....

Clearly the Fedora Gang had been scouting out this island while it was being developed and used some of their illegal funds to purchase a house on the island....

So this is it, Tanoa my new home, a huge island, a whole new start, lets hope the FG left me some more instructions in the safe house, im sure the whole gang will be in the island soon we will lock down this island much securer and make sure that we are pre-warned and armed and ready when the police come looking for us.....

Let the fight begin,

Let the war never end,

Fedora Gang for life and to one and all we cross may death reap so.

Oh yeh the reason im called Nasty Nova is......
