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The police


Active member
Im not sure where to open this so i will just open it here

Every officer that i have met dosent care about his life and about his gear

Its really dumb and Ruining the experience

You can see that in this video: http://youtu.be/9P3I77SxUfo

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Hello, first off, that video is private. Secondly I can assure you that the vast majority of the police deeply value their lives and the gear they receive. During the training process it is something that is gone over many times to insure people do. If members of the police are found not doing this action will be taken against them and they could be demoted or have further action taken.

Video show you being shot at, then entering your vehicle, getting behind a wall and then abusing 3rd person to get a location on an officer. And also you speaking a foreign language, no words spoken ingame, you killing an unarmed hobo and then being lucky on your fullauto burst to kill an officer, don't see your point?

Hello Christmas

If you would like to make a formal complaint about the officers in the video please use the PCC


Please note there is a format that has to be followed which can be found at the top of the list of threads. 

Regards SGT Schweppes

PS i always value my life so please don't use general comments that include all police. (makes me sad)

So, being the officer in charge of the situation, let me explain the full story and give some context to the video.

I was called in on a pursuit of several hemmit boxes fleeing from the drug dealer , me and another pc followed you two a peninsula in the north of the map, we were then inforemed you had an hostage and that we had to leave the area or he would be shot , knowing we were in no position to take you out we retired out of sight (while still locking down the peninsula, as more backup kept puring in) during this time we had an officer offshore(in the sea) watching your every move , you then made contact again asking (in exchange for the officer life) to be able to sell all the drugs you had on your trucks, seeing how much your truck could carry  (wich would have ended up ruining a lot of people's life) I replied with a counter offer sayng that we would have let you go with pardons and trucks if you'd dumped the drugs and the officer, to wich we recived no replies, meanvhille all officers at the scene were taking positions in case you tried to make a run for it (rember due to the peculiar morphology of the spot you choose to hide in you had only on way out), finally we had one last contact with you guys sayng that you were leaving the officer in the middle of novehere (you said nothing about the drugs..),and that you were blindfolding him , from our officer in the sea we knew you loaded him into a truck, so I order my man to be ready and let the trucks pass until we found the one in wich the officer was kept and then disaple it, knowing full well that you could not drive it and have a gun pointed at the officer (not only beacuse of arma 3 mechanics but also because in RL it would be next to impossible ), when the truck of  with the hostage was spotted all officers were to  move in on it to minimize the window of time the guy had to shot the hostage, so we did , unfurtunatly one of the officers running towards the hostage was a cso wich , probably in the heat of the moment forgot that he was pretty much a walking target , so he got shot, seconds after that I manged to take down the guy with the hostage and assure the safety of the hostage, meanhwile your men were all either neutraliyed or apprenended. At the end of the day we sucessfuly stopped you from unloading a massive load of drugs into the market, and manged to save the hostage, the only downside was the poor cso who had sacrificed his life in the fight against crime.

To sum up here were the risks we took : 

-if you would have gotten away you would have probably being able to sold the drugs and killed the hostage, but that could have most probalby happend if we would have let you go  --->bringing you down was the safest choice,(remeber you were ropleayng as drug dealers, kindappers, and you already fired several shots towoards the police, so we  didn't really trust you)

-during the time we took to get to the hemmit with the hostage the driver had a small amount of time to execute the hostage, we hoped that surprise and us rushing it would be enogh to prevent that (wich at the end of the day it was),

If need I recorded every minute of the situation and (youtube permitting) I will upload the entire video over the next couple of days(unfortunatly it takes a lot of time for my potato internet to actually upload a video).

On a note I was contacted with very harsh comments on ts by one of your gangmembers, if I can give you a personal piece of advice courtesy is something that should always be used no matter the situation.

Yours sincerely Sgt Gioele rosti .

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