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The Nines


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In October 2021, Mistaa Green, an ex-con and bodybuilder, is hired by Nine Gym owner Jonny Desmond as a manager. Under Green, gym membership is increased by 300% within six weeks. Green befriends trainer and bodybuilder Alfie Marks, rendered impotent from steroids. Green envies the earnings and lifestyle of Victor Kershaw, a member he begins to train. Motivational speaker Jonny Wu inspires him to be a "do-er," and Green plans to extort Kershaw for his assets through kidnapping and torture. Green recruits Alfie and Marcel, another ex-con and born again-Christian struggling with drug use. Marcel Milton eventually joins the team, after being kicked out of his halfway house.

The "Nines gang" finally kidnap Kershaw after several attempts, taking him to a small warehouse. Although disguised, Kershaw identifies Green, otherwise the scheme goes as planned: Kershaw makes calls, under duress, to provide false explanations for his disappearance, gets his family to move out of state, and signs documents that transfer his assets to Green. Jonny Desmond is even bribed to notarize documents in Kershaw's absence.
The gang is able to collect Kershaw's money and assets, but realize releasing him would be a bad idea. Green concocts a plan to kill Kershaw by forcing him to drink liquor and crash his BMW, making it appear like a drunk driving accident. He survives the crash, so they burn the car with him in it. Kershaw escapes the blazing vehicle, so the gang runs over his body, twice, and leaves him to die. However, Kershaw survives and is hospitalized.

The gang members spoil themselves with Kershaw's riches. Green takes over his car and his home in a Miami suburb; Alfie marries the nurse, Robin, who has been treating his impotence and using his cut for penile erection treatments; and Marcel abandons his restraints of religion and sobriety, blowing his money on cocaine and his new stripper girlfriend.

Kershaw reports what happened to the police, but they are turned off by his unpleasant manner and do not believe his bizarre story even when given Mistaa Green's name, particularly because of Kershaw's blood alcohol level, and the fact that Kershaw is from a South American country, known for drug trafficking. He contacts Ed Du Bois, III, a retired private investigator - who at first declines to take the case but warns Kershaw to leave the hospital before they return to kill him. Kershaw takes his advice hiding in a cheap motel. Du Bois finally takes the case, tailing the Nines gang. He visits the gym and meets Green, who becomes suspicious after Du Bois mentions Kershaw.

Kershaw furiously calls Jonny Desmond about his stolen money, and Green, Marcel, and Alfie Redial the call, identifying the motel where it originated from, and go to kill Kershaw; however, they arrive too late, as he has checked out and is hiding at an abandoned baseball stadium. Green and Alfie discover that Du Bois is paying for Kershaw's room, so they plan to kidnap Du Bois at his home. The plan is abandoned however, when police drop off Du Bois. To evade arrest, Green and Alfie jump off Du Bois' dock into the water.

Du Bois gets a message from Kershaw, going to the stadium to take him home. Meanwhile, Marcel (who has wasted all of his share) robs an armored car. However, dye packs planted in the money bag explode, and he narrowly escapes the police, losing his toe in the process. He and Alfie (whose share was spent on treatments, his wedding to Robin, and a new home) tell Green they need more money, and they plan another kidnapping.

They target Frank Griga, owner of a phone sex operation. After a promising discussion at Griga's mansion, the gang invites him and his wife Krisztina Furton to Alfie's to propose an investment scheme. There, Griga asks to meet the business board before doing any investment and calls Green an amateur, which angers him. They engage in a physical fistfight, which ends when one of Alfie's weights falls on Griga's head, killing him instantly. Krisztina then tries to shoot Green, but Alfie injects her with a potent tranquilizer. Green and Marcel try to use a combination from heavily sedated Krisztina to open a safe at her and Griga's home, but it does not work. When Krisztina tries to escape, Alfie accidentally kills her with a second injection.

They dismember and dispose of the bodies in a swamp, incinerating the hands to eliminate the fingerprints. . The police learn of Griga and Krisztina's disappearances, and with evidence from Du Bois, they set a plan to arrest the Nines gang. Green catches wind of the evidence on himself and his gang and comes up with a plan of his own.
Green cashes in all of the assets he has left and gets Alfie Jonny and Marcel to do the same and Green arranges black-market flights to Los Santos for the crew.
Apon arriving in Los Santos green knows that him self and the rest of the Nines gang need to lie low, He Settles in to a old dusty gym on Clifton Avenue called Muscle and gets Jonny, Alfie and Marcel setup in there.

The Nines Gang have done well while in Los Santos the gang have been running there gym quietly while making huge money in the background from cocaine deals. This dose not go unnoticed even more so when the nines gang started to buy nice cars suits and even watches.

 Green is approached by many people in the next few months all wanting his lifestyle. No one knows how big the Infamous Nines Gang now are but if you plan on visiting Muscle Gym on Clifton Avenue lets just say to might want call ahead first. Green knows that one day his past will catch him but until then its back in the gym for the Nines gang after all they are do'er's.  
