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The Nexus update!

I honestly believe the nexus update isn't bad, it stops accidental vdm and stops gunfights being boring for cops who can just get sniped by 7.62 easily the obvious concern at thinner is the issues with the servers code being broken due to the update things like the vdm script is bugged etc. and the server going down a lot but what you need to remember is ciaran is the only developer at the moment and I belive is going through mock GCSEs just as I am and they are stressful an time consuming enough when you are being pressured to fix the uk and Europea biggest serious role play community he was most likely expecting to have a break from development of the framework but right in the middle of constant examination he has dedicated time to help fix the server personally I think it is outstanding how he does it I doubt anyone else could is just like to say thankyou to @Ciaran for the amazing work he is doing an all of the staff team of ALUK for volunteering to help keep this community alive I think everyone needs to calm down about it we will get used to the changes soon again good luck to ciaran with his GCSEs -Rich
dude why are u wearing no shirt on your profile pic..?

dude why are u wearing no shirt on your profile pic..?
No 1 didn't realise it's against the law to do so no2 what's it to do with you no3im in bed in my home didn't realise that was abnormal to not be fully clothed no4 please keep your snide comments to yourself we are s community after all no need to try to annoy someone or try to make yourself look bigger than them thankyou -Rich

Well i am sorry if you find me salty, i would just let you know that i aint, but i will agree that i am getting tired of the low RP quality standard, most of our dear rebels do provide us, and now they complain about thier lifes getting harder, your opinion about me being singled minded, is your opinion, i wont bother trying to change that, i know alot of people do not like me, so you are welcome to step in the line together with them.

I am stating my point of view, and well if you can't handle several opinions that is not the same as yours, then i do not think you should consider going into politics :)

Have a great day - I would like to respond to you as soon as you cool a bit off :)
Go and resolve with the 'dear rebels' then you cannot generalise people from the RP you're getting from 'some rebels'. This is a issue where people put fingers on each other. I cannot really understand why are you trying to start something here by saying this kind off stuff. This is a topic about the new update and the creator of the post is a police officer. I think you have some serious issues with rebels. This is a game you should not forget that and go resolve your issues with the involved people because it is obviously bothering you. We are a big community and we shouldnt point fingers at each other. We should start talking and solving problems. Not mentioning them on a irrelevant post and try causing drama.

Realistically you ain't going to die instantly from a 600 meter shot to the leg 
Most people here are untrained rebels who picked up a weapon to wage there own war against everyone with some mates, not trained SAS and medical teams who can take a shot to the leg, use a medkit and preform a surgery to remove a bullet or stitch and bandage it on the roadside for 10 seconds and then go on as if nothing happened. Arma tries but I think this new update makes it more realistic.

Go and resolve with the 'dear rebels' then you cannot generalise people from the RP you're getting from 'some rebels'. This is a issue where people put fingers on each other. I cannot really understand why are you trying to start something here by saying this kind off stuff. This is a topic about the new update and the creator of the post is a police officer. I think you have some serious issues with rebels. This is a game you should not forget that and go resolve your issues with the involved people because it is obviously bothering you. We are a big community and we shouldnt point fingers at each other. We should start talking and solving problems. Not mentioning them on a irrelevant post and try causing drama.
Well i am sorry if you feel offended, and no i dont have a serious issue with rebels, i still deal with them like civilians, and i talk to them like my fellow officers, i treat them with respect at all time.

I am not here to cause drama, i came here to state that i was not one of the most who dislikes the update, which i mentioned in the first post, yet i then answered the questions i was asked.

But let us leave it here so we avoid this kind of "drama" which i would call personal opinions

Most people here are untrained rebels who picked up a weapon to wage there own war against everyone with some mates, not trained SAS and medical teams who can take a shot to the leg, use a medkit and preform a surgery to remove a bullet or stitch and bandage it on the roadside for 10 seconds and then go on as if nothing happened. Arma tries but I think this new update makes it more realistic.
Mate, you could be SAS or work at McDonalds, either way you aren't going to die instantly from a shot to the leg. Even if the bullet hits an artery it will take time to bleed out.

this is a big argument lol guys lets all take a second to appreciate the hoola hoop below 

Mate, you could be SAS or work at McDonalds, either way you aren't going to die instantly from a shot to the leg. Even if the bullet hits an artery it will take time to bleed out.
well mate have you ever bin shot in the leg? you dont know idiot

dude why are u wearing no shirt on your profile pic..?
Don't discourage him, he's kinda hot tbh

well mate have you ever bin shot in the leg? you dont know idiot
You will not die instantly from being shot in the leg, I know guys who've had their legs blown off by IED's and still survive. A bullet can in no way instantly kill someone without hitting a vital organ.

You will not die instantly from being shot in the leg, I know guys who've had their legs blown off by IED's and still survive. A bullet can in no way instantly kill someone without hitting a vital organ.
Not saying you will, just at the moment people take bullets like they are flies and keep running 

Not saying you will, just at the moment people take bullets like they are flies and keep running 
Last time I shot someone in the leg in Arma they couldn't run anymore? Is that removed? Serious question, haven't shot anyone since update.

I have no legs

Talking about fixing the driving and gunshot mechanics is great and all. Maybe we should focus on getting the server to stay up for more then an hour at a time first.

No 1 didn't realise it's against the law to do so no2 what's it to do with you no3im in bed in my home didn't realise that was abnormal to not be fully clothed no4 please keep your snide comments to yourself we are s community after all no need to try to annoy someone or try to make yourself look bigger than them thankyou -Rich
sorry mister 1,2,3,4. i didnt know u took it serious. was just a bit of banter tbh. 
