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The Next ALUK CS:GO Tournament


Stinky Kavala Hobo
Sofia, Bulgaria
Dear members of ALUK!

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]Im proud to announce that I’ll be hosting the next ALUK CS:GO Tournament![/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]The tournament will take place on[/SIZE][SIZE=18.6666666666667px] [/SIZE][SIZE=18.6666666666667px]Friday 26th at 7:00PM [/SIZE][SIZE=18.6666666666667px]UK time![/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]To participate just fill this form:[/SIZE][SIZE=18.6666666666667px] [/SIZE]http://goo.gl/forms/eu18kOP7PB

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]Entries end on Friday at 4:00PM UK time[/SIZE]


[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]It will be a 5v5 competitive tournament![/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]If you want to participate you have to be on teamspeak in the CS:GO Tournament Organizing room at 6:30 UK time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]At least 20 people need to sign in for the tournament to happen![/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]The first 40 people to sign in will be participating(if we dont make it to 40 then it will be the first 20).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6666666666667px]Every rank is welcome![/SIZE]


1. No Hacking!

2. All TS rules apply as normal!

3. Enjoy yourself!

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Im just curious how are you setting this up like what servers are you using? 

18 people signed in. We need 2 more for it to happed!

20 people signed
This means that it is going to happen if they show up.
Every one that signs from now on is going to be put in the reserve. If anyone doesn't show up im gonna pull someone from that list.
Keep signing!
List with names so far:
  1. Alexim
  2. JoeS
  3. Maik
  4. AH Yes
  5. [BG] Aiden
  6. Jamie
  7. BlackJack
  8. Incognito
  9. zaF
  10. Riku
  11. durrrr
  12. .naitSTM ||| The First Doorknob
  13. Sizzler
  14. [Gc] GDZ
  15. Parq
  16. Kral_K
  17. Remix ☮
  18. The Shadow
  19. v(x)r
  20. aliemirtetik
Sweet, cant wait until tournament starts :)

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