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The Altis Life UK - A Stoneman's Guide.

At first I thought this was another video from good old George but as the video went on I realised that it wasn't him. I am amazed at the effort and editing and overall just how you did it. Well

Done. Make some more videos please.

Many thanks for all your comments! - glad you enjoyed the video. 

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How do a put a picture on my post. I'm an advanced member and I still don't know this. Help

Brilliant video, Keep up the fantastic and professional like work!

-BG Vixxy ;)

Absolutely love it! Good to see the Church of Beanie in there too.

A sign of more videos to come, perhaps?

I would like to advise if your going into this much wonderful depth and detail to please refrain from including the PRNA(formerly UNMC) until we get our update.

A brilliant video that made me laugh from start to finish. Love the hobo at the start, 'What are you standing there for you f**king piece of s**t', lol, sums up Kavala so well!

Cant wait for your next video.

Holy hell, The Robert Stoneman not only Plays the server but has made a video about it!

Easily the best Altis guide on Youtube, and couldn't be on a finer server or made by a better creator.

I have loved your work ever since LitFuseFilms and War of the Servers man, Was amazed when i saw your name on the video.

Brilliant job!

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Amazing roleplay from the PowerRangers on the video, its me the Duck in the beginning xD Kappa. you should add one more short clip of me quacking in the end aswell,it would be perfect ! great editing man ! 


Looking through that 'drunk' footage, found this funny image... I think he must of just sobered up and realized what he was doing.
