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Thanksgiving/Black Friday (Advance Post)


Well-known member
Ladies and gentlemen as many of you know I'm American. In America we have a shopping holiday known as Black Friday. The reality is that it has devoured Thanksgiving which is ironic since it's about eating a large meal with friends and family and giving thanks for them and everything they have. In the retail/customer service industry we call Thanksgiving Brown Thursday since it is the day the sales actually occur much to our disliking as we cannot properly celebrate Thanksgiving to deal with an angry mob made up of literally thousands in one store. On this day people celebrate the holiday early and line up at the doors and wait...some even set up tents the night before to wait and no I'm not shitting you the lines are so long people literally camp outside the store to simply get inside without waiting for hours. And when those doors open....


a loud and sudden noise like thunder rises in the building as we're suddenly deafened by the sheer number of people moving inside sometimes trampling each other. Imagine a stadium full of people all moving and shouting at once,except it has a roof so it echos and gets even louder. Within 5 minutes the entire store is filled and palettes of merchandise are being ripped apart as employees are trying,trying to attempt to hand them out in civilized manner before being overrun by customers taking anything for sale from their hands and those of fellow shoppers as the fighting begins...


From there it is constant chaos for about 8-9 hours until about 2-3am in the morning then there is actually space between people and almost everything is looted...er...I mean sold. All you want to do the entire time is get as many people in and out of the store as possible unscathed. This is not the case. I've been through three Brown Thursday/Black Friday sales and at least half a dozen employees get injured during the night. I've personally suffered a handful of bruises and had my hand cut open once. When it's all said and done you go home at dawn feeling like a vampire when you walk out the door. Then you go home and go to sleep and when you wake up...you get the horror stories on the news.


So I'm posting this in advance today so that I can give my personal thanks for Thanksgiving to all of you right now.

Wilco- When I started here 9 months ago after bumming around a few servers looking for something different getting nostalgia of Takistan Life I had no idea how far I would go. I started in early March just a week or two after the server went up and on the first day bought my stock unaltered 75K Rebel License to never looked back. I signed up on the forums in the middle of that month admittedly for the simple reason the opening image advertised 30K and I thought "Hey, that's a free Katiba and ammo. Why the hell not?" I had no idea how involved with the community I would become and how happy I am to have watched it grow from the original files to what it is now even becoming an Admin six months in and founding the White Listed Rebels 7 months in. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

Cardoso-You were actually part of the reason I stayed when I say you leading the CE gang advertised in the intro with that wonderful music I had no idea what it meant and I don't remember who sang it. The amount of respect you received before and after the CE incident told me that this community was strong. Now your known as the lovable portuguese pothead and Head Admin and your discussions and decisions have been remarkably honest,humorous and reasonable. I'm proud to be working with you.

Maratek-Who would have thought the PC in Kavala I helped to fight off the flying nazi helicopter hacker invasion would end up as the Commander of the police and a friend of mine? I didn't,but I'm glad it happened.

Ed Williams- I miss you and your unique brand of outrageous humor for someone your age. In the early half of the server some of us would jokingly call you the "Old God". I know your probably not reading this,but thank you for everything you've done to help develop this server and get it off the ground. 

Ciaran-You may be young and you had big shoes to fill,but you delivered and continue to deliver. When I first heard of you in the ill-fated Takistan.co.uk I was genuinely impressed with the amount of extras there were in comparison to Altis Life that you had a hand in developing and implementing. The persistent economy,the truck radio that only played Punjab MC-Knight Rider, the souvenir shop, all the little things. I didn't know it was you until you joined the staff,but I'm glad you did and nobody fight this man in Rust he will leave his building to beat you to death with a rock like a homicidal caveman cooped up in his coding cave too long!

Jay-Thank you for everything. You've always been a good friend to me and I'll always be there if you need me. There isn't really much more to say. #BRC4Lyfe

VELTEN-Though you do enjoy you "sucky,sucky" and apaprently sending a bag of cool ranch doritos to Norway costs the same as a plane ticket you are one hell of a fun bastard and friend. I'm glad I met you and merged TBR and AC to make the longest lasting gang in ALUK history the BRC. #BRC4Lyfe

Vladic Ka- Though few knew you as a rebel I did and you were a wonderful logistics man in a helicopter when people didn't shit their pants around you before they had to deal with me to be tortured. Now your a CSI in the police force and I still remember the day you left,because you missed out on some of the best RP I've had on the server. I'm proud of you and what you've accomplished. #BRC4Lyfe

Vacatio-When I had SGT Joe of TFU come into my TS to apply for the WLR I didn't know what was about to happen. The length and detail of everything you answered in the interviews scoring an unbelievable 96 out of 100 made it unquestionably clear you were a man for the job and so I made you the deputy commander of the UNMC(He picked the name btw.) Here we are ,you've made admin from your time and experience in the community and you've never disappointed me.

Steph/Minxx- Though you are one of the few female players here and judged for it, you have always been vocal and reasonable,though sometimes loud and one time drunk and talking about the inner workings of the human mind. Anyway you have rose above the expectation of myself and those around you gaining admin along the way. You've even displayed kindness and mercy to the ignorant(Michinky) and it just makes me respect you even more.

TheMightyFoz-When I met a hapless hobo named "Gamer" who drowned trying to swim to the bank after I armed him with a Katiba,I didn't know we'd end up good friends over the last 6-7 months. With your one manned massacre of an entire gang,the assisted torturing of people,Takistan,and playing other games when you were in the cops and me founding the UNMC we're still good friends. I'm only sorry I couldn't play with you a bit more. #BRC4Lyfe

Crazyone-Though we were enemies turned friendly rivals with the Crows and then friendly enemies when you joined the cops you've still remained the general level headed person I've come to know.

Greedy-You are another fun bastard I've come to know and love and I must say that one time you were high and drunk at the same time in TS randomly one night was one of the funniest moments I've ever had on TS. Thank you for sticking around. #BRC4Lyfe

Khandamir-Smoke weed everyday until you can overcome Cardoso and become more powerful than you could ever imagine.

Blaze-Top marksman and brother to Renegade. You must be a saint from what I've gathered of Renegade.

Davros-Talk more in TS,I just keep seeing you kill people when shit goes down. XD

NilsTheGerman-Mr Happy ain't got shit on Mr. NilsTheGrumpyGerman. 

Shepred-Challenge the heavens themselves to find a better pilot to challenge you and dare them to fight you 1 on 1 in a Soul Grinder to bathe in the blood of your enemy.

Shadow-You've come a long way as well since back in the CE days,police and BRC. Your a good guy,a good shot,a good friend and I hope to see you around again,since your not a cop anymore. #BRC4Lyfe

Lord Sandisk-You are one very iconic figure in this community and one of the few peopel who also appreciate hatori doridango. May your parsnip violated buttock not hinder you and allow you to continue to walk these lands.

Reverend-Your the only forum troll I've met who's not an asshole and now your a forum moderator. You've earned my respect and sense of humor sir. 

Edgar Ville-You are one courageous man to pull that parsnip from Lord Sandisk's rectum. You've been gone so long since then I thought you were done until you came back in the last month or so and I'm happy you did to add to the House Of Lord Sandisk.

FriendlyFireGuy- Lord Sandisk wanted me to tell you "You always the phaggit. Now piss off. <3" I've enjoyed what you've contributed to the House of Lord Sandisk and to maintain quality in the police force.

God-Thank you for that one RP experience that was to determine whether gangs could kidnap or not so long ago. 10/10 would make you throw up again.

Price-I've watched you grow from way back in the TBR where Bullit,Snipes, and Thermo have left you have stayed and achieved your dream of joining the police force,while being mature. I'm proud of you.

DainMK-You have achieved something so simple,yet unattainable with Law Abiding Citizens. True civilians with excellent RP. I would stand with you through more peach terrorist attacks any day.

Nozeinho-It was fun playing for you for as long as we did and I appreciate what you've contributed to the UNMC before making the understandable decision to go back to the police force where your friends were.

Renegade-You sound like Lord Sandisk and must meet him so we can watch the world implode. Btw play more with us your funny as hell.

DI Bob and Voltz- While sometimes I found your gifs annoying,they were funny most of the time. Thank you for contributing to the community.

DI Fisher-Steve the Irish suicide bomber says hi and appreciates the suit and flowers for his departed wife. Also that SCO's downfall was influenced by him. 

Exile-I've had to ban you,so your probably not able to read this,but thank you for the wonderful time we had in Takistan Life with SGT Brat. I haven't laughed my ass off so hard since.

Dragonfly- People were rather mean to you and old ATWA for not speaking much english,but I gave you a chance that day with the roadblock and you prospered and had an ongoing RP video series for a short time,before the INF ATWA ruined it for you. I'm glad your back though,we need some RP like you used to do. teşekkür ederim (That should be thank you.)

Gertrude Mclovin-We started on the same day 9 months ago and though you disappeared for a bit I didn't forget you ever since we were both with CE that one day before it had an incident.

Islabunny/thepirate- Thank you for being a nice person since URGN and you were genuinely one of the few people I've seen play solo for so long and you didn't even play with a gun for most of it,which was remarkably clever in always getting RP.

Everyone else. I didn't forget about you if I've ever talked to you,I just don't remember,but thank you for your time here with me and with this community.

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Good luck with black friday Sov hopefully you make it out alive 

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FriendlyFireGuy- Lord Sandisk wanted me to tell you "You always the phaggit. Now piss off. <3" I've enjoyed what you've contributed to the House of Lord Sandisk and to maintain quality in the police force.
Lord Sandisk can kiss my arse (Sorry Me' Lord if you're reading this)!

Thanks to you too Sov, enjoy Turkey Day!

(And thanks for the kind words!)

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Vladic Ka- Though few knew you as a rebel I did and you were a wonderful logistics man in a helicopter when people didn't shit their pants around you before they had to deal with me to be tortured. Now your a CSI in the police force and I still remember the day you left,because you missed out on some of the best RP I've had on the server. I'm proud of you and what you've accomplished. #BRC4Lyfe
I really do miss my rebel days and perhaps one day Ill throw in my badge and go back to being a slightly camp helicopter pilot with a obsession with how people sit in the back. (I used to sing a little song)#BRC4Lyfe

Thank you for being the eloquent american who is never short of a few words no matter the subject and for being integral to the development of our community.

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Cardoso-You were actually part of the reason I stayed when I say you leading the CE gang advertised in the intro with that wonderful music I had no idea what it meant and I don't remember who sang it. The amount of respect you received before and after the CE incident told me that this community was strong. Now your known as the lovable portuguese pothead and Head Admin and your discussions and decisions have been remarkably honest,humorous and reasonable. I'm proud to be working with you.

Thanks for the kind words Sovereign, it means alot coming from a guy like you.

I wish you good luck in the battlefield, and whatever you do.. i know you won't leave any man behind! :)

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My goodness, I didn't expect to be on a list containing some of the players I hold in such high regard. So thank you, it does indeed mean a lot.

And thank you good sir! Thank you for always providing top quality RP, thank you for assembling a group of high quality players, and as well thank you for always being on hand out of RP to help with my troubles. Thank you.

May Asmin grant you strengt, commander. See you on the other side.

Happy thanks giving to you Sovereign! 

From the days of me literally crawling through Kavala to avoid the BRC, to the days of you actively helping me sell drugs - you've earned a lot of respect from me throughout my time here and i wish you the best of luck on black Friday.

and a big thanks to everyone else too whilst i'm here! 

Haha i love you man ! and everyone else in the community :) That was so good writin ! im looking forward to play with you for ever, Big thank you to every singel one ! 

My goodness, I didn't expect to be on a list containing some of the players I hold in such high regard. So thank you, it does indeed mean a lot.

And thank you good sir! Thank you for always providing top quality RP, thank you for assembling a group of high quality players, and as well thank you for always being on hand out of RP to help with my troubles. Thank you.
Me neither, the only time we spoke was when I was building the "Voltage Air Club" in which he helped me alot. Fun afternoon.

I forgot to reply to this. I survived the night and here is the story of the fated day. In the parking lot people nearly VDMed each other in the parking lot and there was a car accident at the end of the night when I left. In the day people were fist fighting and in one story told to me an old lady said "I'll smash your teeth out *raising her cane* if you don't get out of my way." The employee responded you'll be paying $6,000 in dental." The old lady then said "Are you threatening me?" the employee then said "What the hell do you think telling me your goign to smash my teeth out with a cane is?"

I hate my job.
