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[TF] Jer - (Rejected - Warning Issued)

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Michael Bradley

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): 
[TF] Jer
Time & Date this happened:
20/09/14 around 6pm
Description of what happened:
 He stole our truck, our helli followed him to the chop shop where we met up with him, we exchanged gun shots after he shot our helli - he then proceeded to leave the chop shop realizing he was outnumbered..
little while down the road he crashes and takes position in a small building waiting for us to come find him...
I then take the shot and end the situation..
Moments later he coincidentally started to "lose connection" then being kicked for not responding.
Before people think fair enough - this message is created my alt tabbing and closing the Arma 3 window (logging) to save gear NOT lagging out in such a perfect time. 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
He argued he lagged out in sidechat after reconnecting minutes later.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
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Ok, first of all. How can he help it if he starts losing connection then gets kicked off? I don't understand.

Ok so my way how this went is this one hundred BS.

i Have lost connection i did not alf F4 if i did that i did get a no responding i lost connection.

so the other thing is how can i help it when i lose connection because my dumb internet provider cant handle many people on the internet at the same time?

explain that to me i lost connection on TS as well

It's what happens if you "pull the cord" so to speak.. However you can't prove it and is only really suspicious if it happens repeatedly at convenient times.

Alright I knew this would happen with this clan; this discussion is between me, Jer and the Admins / Developers.​
Please read only, as your opinion is irrelevant in most cases (not meaning to sound like a dick)​

- Thankyou

Ok so my way how this went is this one hundred BS.

i Have lost connection i did not alf F4 if i did that i did get a no responding i lost connection.

so the other thing is how can i help it when i lose connection because my dumb internet provider cant handle many people on the internet at the same time?

explain that to me i lost connection on TS as well
This is such an old and exhausting story, and to be quite honest (un-surprisingly) I do not believe you obviously due to the "perfect" timing...​
It's up to an admin to decide but I have shown my evidence and will await judgement. ​
It shows your losing connection but disabling your network card or fiddling the router could cause this also...

I have logged it and if it happens again you need to either take time off the server to fix your network card or we need to discuss logging.

Rejected in terms of a ban but noted and warning issued

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