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TERA - Opinions?


Royal Flush
So I've been wanting to play this game for long. Trust me. But a patch ruined it all for me. Now its out on steam I guess a patch was released. Has anyone played it? I know that a lot of F2P game's are mostly P2W (Pay2Win) Either way I will give it a go so whats your opinions guys? 

I'm quite a fan of MMORPG's :p

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Played it for a while about half a year ago.

When I played, all real money transactions were for cosmetic items and effects only.

It's a beautiful looking game, bit samey MMORPG-wise and the story personally wasn't that enjoyable.

Had a great time playing while I did though! Give it a try.

i wasn't a fan of the fighting style, but then i suppose playing WoW for a ridiculous amount of time to going to a MMO that actually requires you to do stuff when in combat its a bit of a change

TERA is one of few mmorpgs that are Pay-to-look-hot and level the playing field - I remember a fatigue system that prevented grinding, and you could buy the ability to continue grinding.

i wasn't a fan of the fighting style, but then i suppose playing WoW for a ridiculous amount of time to going to a MMO that actually requires you to do stuff when in combat its a bit of a change
With you 100% on this one, ....... i miss WoW :(

Don't do it AT all, it's dead and gone. sorry :(

I heard a full on hardcore BC server MIGHT be coming up at in about 12 weeks, full hardcore as hard as vanilla was 3rd party of course  

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I wish I played WoW. I cant be bothered to buy it now since apparently the community ain't the same. @Dentibus  @♥PrincessShannon♥

Is it true?

Unless you have a Time machine that can take you to The Burning Crusade era untill the end of Wrath of the litch king era then yes if not no, its very very easy mode now

Unless you have a Time machine that can take you to The Burning Crusade era untill the end of Wrath of the litch king era then yes if not no, its very very easy mode now
It feels like a clicking sim or something now.. money is too easy, leveling feels like a task and "job" not a game, i miss the time i enjoyed the "DINGGGGG" when i leveled one of my alts :/ sad sad times...

It feels like a clicking sim or something now.. money is too easy, leveling feels like a task and "job" not a game, i miss the time i enjoyed the "DINGGGGG" when i leveled one of my alts :/ sad sad times...

I admit i slipped and bought panda expansion like 2 years ago and got to max at the time, it was utter shite and got 10 days in an email not long ago and all i can say is i wasted 4 hours of my life downloading it again

it makes me sad but i still look at "private" servers but its just not the same

I admit i slipped and bought panda expansion like 2 years ago and got to max at the time, it was utter shite and got 10 days in an email not long ago and all i can say is i wasted 4 hours of my life downloading it again

it makes me sad but i still look at "private" servers but its just not the same
I have played on a few, and i did not like them at all..... but the BC one looks good, i'll try and get more info for you etc ^-^.

After Wrath ... i hated WoW >.<

Played TERA it's not pay to win, but paying makes travel so faster. However I thought that melee gets outclassed by magic classes like every other MMO, and I hate caster classes.
