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technical problems and potential bans.


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if you are getting robbed and your computer goes off because of electricity turning off or internet turning off, will you get banned or can it be resolved without any bans?

Well if your a well behaved boy, both of those situations will never happen. Don’t forget sometimes it’s fun to lose!

if you are getting robbed and your computer goes off because of electricity turning off or internet turning off, will you get banned or can it be resolved without any bans?
If you go back online after and message the person OOC to continue the RP then that's the correct way to go about it. If the issue isn't resolved in a few minutes, might be best to try and find them on TS when it is and apologise.

If they were masked however, that makes it a bit of an issue, in that case they will likely think you did it deliberately and put a report in (or they may not). 

Alternatively it might be prudent to be pro-active about it and inform staff (via TS support room) that you were in a situation and your power went out or whatever happened. Although if it happens a couple of times then eyebrows will likely be raised. 
