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Teamspeak rules


Well-known member
Hello, i just had an idea. Me and my gang really badly wanna use the Whisperlist function on teamspeak, but we are now allowed to because we dont have the donator tag on. Therefore we wanna use a teamspeak that one of our members has. Just heard something about that you are not allowed to use your own teamspeak if you play at this community?

And if we are allowed to use it, we are still gonna be on the current one, but just connected in a different tab. 

Thanks already! <3 

[K.C.S] Dave 

Best practice is being connected to teamspeak so others can contact you if there is an issue.

Gangs have been blanket banned in the past for recruiting on our server and giving there teamspeak out to the new member via ts/website/ingame or even steam if they were recruited using ALUK to be clear we do not allow any advertising here.
