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Teamspeak room for [Doro] clan.


Sweden, Stockholm
Hello everyone,

I looke around the forums and did a google search but found no post official post or anything that could help me. 

The Doro clan would like a Teamspeak 3 room used for gaming on the altis servers. I saw on the teamspeak that one should turn to the forums and so i did.

Thank you everyone and viva la doro.

I was looking for one for TKC aswell so I PMed Ciaran about 2 weeks ago. Still no reply. He is busy right now.

Should add that we are 23 members +
Mother of god.


If you have 5 or more members, just send a text to one of the admins on teamspeak, if they got time to look into it. :)

@Stee; Now we'll have that whisper list between TKC & STF :D

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From what I can see, it's 23 RDMers... only ever met them once and I got rdmed... gg

I'll get onto this when I'm home, just send me a message approximately 1300 GMT, link me with your gang post on the forums and how many members you have.

From what I can see, it's 23 RDMers... only ever met them once and I got rdmed... gg
I think I speak for alot of other players on the server that has met us that enjoyed to RP with us aswell as knowing that we don't RDM. You might have encountered us some weeks ago when we recently started playing, and it hasn't been repeated since. Dropping that comment is just unnecessary.

And yeah, it's kind of easy to see that you only met us "once".

Also to the mocking about the numbers, It's not to flex, I typed it because I thought we were supposed to do it, since if there was a number limit to get a TS room.

Doro.... 23 Members? People only had bad experiences... Seems like we got a new P.M.C Going.

Regardless if they've got a past, we all welcome second chances. We've seen bad gangs before and I'm sure we will see them again in the future. I should know, before joining PLF we were all over the report a player section.

Regardless if they've got a past, we all welcome second chances. We've seen bad gangs before and I'm sure we will see them again in the future. I should know, before joining PLF we were all over the report a player section.
Sorry Kris what gang did you come from :) ? @Kris!
