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Teamspeak Error


Not American
London, United Kingdom
So my teamspeak sometimes give me an error saying 

Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.
<14:57:59> Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.
<14:58:00> Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.
<14:58:01> Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again.

over and over again. It doesnt let me switch channels or anything after that, only speak. weird thing is, I am not even pressing any buttons when this starts.

Any one know anything?

Current Security Level: 28
Estimated time to gain level: 6-12 minutes.

  • To upgrade your security level, click "Settings" at the top of teamspeak,
  • Click "Identities"
  • Select Default (or if you use a different profile, use that).
  • Click "Improve" on the right hand side
  • In the "requested" box, type the security level above.
  • Click Start.
  • when completed, Join Teamspeak!
Nevermind  i dont think thats the problem otherwise you wouldnt be able to join the TS at all.

You probs held a button down or mass pressed enter or something other, just leave ts3 open and do something else for 2-5 mins, then it should be back to normal.

I have this with my bot. Literally wait 1 minute without Doug anything on the team speak and it will let you change channels etc.
