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Teamspeak Ban

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I take it this is another action of "ban first ask question later" without getting facts. 

Wilco please get some facts before banning me. The server in question which stated banned me for advertising is incorrect. I have been on there today talking with both "[edit] scott & smelly, go and ask them lol. Been a mistake sure wasn't me. 

But then again i dont expect much more from some people in a certain community, in question.

If you want a fully story i will happily go into it. But i can assure you it wont look good for a certain community plus it would be advertising it here.

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Firstly our ban system works well for us and has done for a long time in keeping our servers free from trolls/glitchers/children.

I have been away for a week to come home of reports of yourself going onto another community and advertising our server, not only have you done that you have then further trolled them by going on a RDM/VDM spree.

Today I have briefly spoke to the admins at the community in question and I am shocked by this action, I hate people who come here to advertise community's and cause havoc and certainly do not expect any members here to go and do that dragging our good name in the dirt.

I await a full explanation of your actions and using the altislife.co.uk domain before considering an unban. 

ok. here we go.  (Ill name the community in question - node1)

i first heard of node1 when TheEnd & other members of node1, Advertised it in the altislife.co.uk teamspeak asking me to tell people about it and get BRC rebel group to go across and join.

I went over and joined. Went on to the node1 played some, I was told by TheEnd, Smelly, Rich197, coltas, that what ever i had on altislife.co.uk they would give me on node1. After a while i was asked to do the site for them. At the time they was using a nulled version of IP board (<< Fail). I told them about enjin and did some basic setups for them, also advised certain members about "parameter variables" to help cut down hackers. which btw went through 1 eye and out the other.

Last time i played node1 they was multiple hackers on spawning stuff & turned vision to some kinda blue night vision was strange. Logged off.

Yesterday i was working on site for a client, when i got home connect to node1 to play abit but a VDMer was on called "born2kill" also have some video footage of this on a friends pc. So i logged off. 

I was sat in altislife.co.uk today talking with greedy & dogs when SGT Jack Pipes came in aka "toxic" swearing at me & talking about me VDMing / RDMing / Trolling / Advertising on the node1 server. ( Which i sure did NOT appreciate). 

Logged on to Node1 today for 10mins or so, talking with Scott & Smelly (which i was meant to be banned from or something) regarding what happened. Didnt get to much of a response. (<< That is the game server not teamspeak)

So i told them that i disappointed about the abuse i received and that i will stick with www.Altislife.co.uk (Which i worded to them "Other Server"). so i have been playing on www.altislife.co.uk for most of today. Then i heard the "Ban from TS". 

(Just to add i am a cofounder of a company (the other cofounder also plays on this server) that does remote IT support, i use a VPN to connect to some of my clients, as some have IDS (intrusion detection systems) that have restricted geographical  loggings. That is why you may see i connect via what can sometimes be 100s of different addresses) 

(Note: i had login access to, both the dev server and main server to FTP on node1, web admin on node1 and web domain for node.co.uk admin. If i wanted to be a so called ASS / TROLL / MORON / FUCKING CUNT / BITCH << which has all been said to me in the last 6 hours, Then i would do a little more than troll my ass around kavala on a altislife server. 

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Once this has been dealt with, i will be leave this community and taking the advice a high ranking officer on alislife.co.uk told me "plenty more fish in the sea". To much drama for my liking unfortunately. It will be a shame as i valued alits life as being a good server & highly recommended it. My views have now changed somewhat.

I can understand your "ban first ask question later"policy, but banning on a community which trash talks www.Alitislife.co.uk & tires to steal members from, well... speaks for itself really and that is only the start of some of the logs, evidence i could share.

Kind Regards

( Time to sit back and watch the shit storm of hurt people) :)

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Please provide some proof, These are very serious accusations towards "node1"

Wilco, ask "TheShadow" about trying to steal members, they was very persuasive towards him :) . Regarding posting "Proof", ain't going to waste my time any more with this community or Node1, to much drama, me and a few other members have found a new home now :( .


Kind Regards

(would also like to request you remove my data from both the site and in game)

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Oh. and good luck with the www.Altislife.co.uk community in the future.

I am closing this topic, Its a shame you did not provide the proof to at least clear your name.

Take care

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