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[TC]big_boss combat logging

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):[TC]big_boss
Time & Date this happened:7/6/15
Which Server did this happen on: #2
Description of what happened: me and two others went to althira garage and [TC]big_boss was trying to rob someone. we then told him to stop and put his hands up he did and then when we told him to drop his stuff he disconnected 
What Rule Was Broken ?: he broke role-play by disconnecting when we surrounded him 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: no he didn't come back 
You forgot this part 

Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
@giraffie Either supply evidence or edit your post into something describing how you failed to read the rules. If this does not happen in 24 hours, a warning point will be issued for failing to comply with our forum rules

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

@Michael Fletcher Same rule as up here, only you did not imply you have any evidence, therefore you should not have replied here. This is for admins and the reporter/reported only, very clearly stated in the how to report a player topic, which is clearly pinned on the report a player subforum.

Warning point issued.

Now people who read this... STOP REPLYING! If you're not involved! For Asmin's sake.. We got admins and forum moderators, no need for clodding these topics making admins job harder and forcing me to be the dick who hands out warning points all the time..

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