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Taxi and RAC Services Fading?


Well-known member
First time I started a year ago. I used Taxi and RAC service a lot and it was pleasure, great RP, guys made money… Taxi drivers knows a lot etc and get you where you want… Now it is like calling for a ghost, I don’t think people bother anymore, just respawn or call in their mates to be saved/picked up. To be one of them right now just sitting and counting rabbits (not many of them left either...)
Shame because I wanted to become one of them… but both sides that are in the position talked me off… NO JOBS AVAILABLE! Considering it is 1MIL to get a license!

Just wonder if PILOT business available now would be obsolete soon like two mentioned… Why don’t give a some sort of boos to TAXI and RAC before it goes completely. I would love to be a TAXI driver and I would if it was year ago…

Any opinions? My would be, make these 2 trades somehow important like NHS, not at that extent but people should want to call them… (I still want) because was great!!!

Sorry for writing mistakes I just wrote down from my chests, my opinion, don’t bloody slaughter me. Thanks

+1, make ARAC more attractive to players. (No toolkits usage when having ARAC uniform on) 

I still go on as ARAC every now and then its good fun and some of the stories you hear are amazing, its how i met some of my good friends whilst playing as ARAC, but to be honest theres no incentive for people to do it bar the RP.

May be some more advertising on billboards about these services would be good are they could place some subliminal messages about, then its in their mind without them even knowing about it lol.

-1 on removing tool kits. Can you imagine the amount of time you'd have to wait for an ARAC Driver to get to you if you crashed your car even once? 

In my opinion, there should be a sign with an "On Duty" option where you have to click and if you have the ARAC Uniform on, you get paid abit more than civs but less than medics/cops per 15 mins and maybe even money for repairing. It would also have to be added to the rules that anyone exploiting this would get permanently banned or something like that... People just need an incentive to play as ARAC.

Although, this is my opinion and what I said may be impractical due to not having a modded server or the issue of too many people exploiting the money factor of it. 

remove the free toolkit and put the price up to 2500 for one tool kit.

-1 on removing tool kits. Can you imagine the amount of time you'd have to wait for an ARAC Driver to get to you if you crashed your car even once?
No just increase price slightly! (scenario.. fcuk it aint paying 10k for spanner kit arac is about...  ) just an idea..

Increasing the price would work for people with money? What about "Hobos" and people who don't have a lot of money.... I understand they can call ARAC but can you imagine being new to the server, breaking a tire on your off-road and having to wait up-to or maybe even longer than 30 minutes for a repair kit to come to you?

That, In my opinion, would put me off the server. 

remove the free toolkit and put the price up to 2500 for one tool kit.
+1 charge even more! happy days!

Increasing the price would work for people with money? What about "Hobos" and people who don't have a lot of money.... I understand they can call ARAC but can you imagine being new to the server, breaking a tire on your off-road and having to wait up-to or maybe even longer than 30 minutes for a repair kit to come to you?

That, In my opinion, would put me off the server. 
Putting me off as a year old player right now... I think we should try. (5k for a tool kit would make hobos drive a bit with a care)

Putting me off as a year old player right now... I think we should try. (5k for a tool kit would make hobos drive a bit with a care)
I think 5k for a tool kit is fare and as said may make people use a little more care while drive but i see fluqis' point you would be waiting for a very long time for someone to turn up if tool kits are taken away all together to purchase, id like to see more taxis around just for all the different RP scenarios and they are payed very well also well at least my one and only taxi driver had been...

I think 5k for a tool kit is fare and as said may make people use a little more care while drive but i see fluqis' point you would be waiting for a very long time for someone to turn up if tool kits are taken away all together to purchase, id like to see more taxis around just for all the different RP scenarios and they are payed very well also well at least my one and only taxi driver had been...
Price increase, I hope that would be first step to increase ARAC population on here, same as RP... We need to save it! Same as Taxi. Great foundations already but needs a bit of kick and get to the 22 century :)  

I think it needs refreshing a little i think, maybe a more structure payment system so they don't just get all the passengers running off and that could work for taxi or ARAC and that could work for tips also, i also think a slight pay increase may help as well, as rebels make most there money via other means ARAC can only help out when needed so they would be rewarding for there commitment to helping their fellow motorist. 

As an ARAC rescue could be the difference between a "SAFE" journey home and meeting a man in the forest while trying to run for help :/

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I think it needs refreshing a little i think, maybe a more structure payment system so they don't just get all the passengers running off and that could work for taxi or ARAC and that could work for tips also, i also think a slight pay increase may help as well, as rebels make most there money via other means ARAC can only help out when needed so they would be rewarding for there commitment to helping their fellow motorist. 

As an ARAC rescue could be the difference between a "SAFE" journey home and meeting a man in the forest while trying to run for help :/
I am glad you people see it... some things need to be done or it will fade as mentioned!

I think the only thing needed is to down the price of the license.

this way people will feel "tempted" to join arac or taxi.

if the price was downed to something like 250k would quickly join the taxi company.

If there are ARAC people online, then the police should not be repairing cars. They should be calling in the ARAC instead, the police repairing cars for people just removes potential RP for ARAC. I've tried ARAC a few times and I'm generally just driving around waiting, then I very rarely get good RP, it's just some hobo who wants his car repaired and drives off without a donation. Not really been worth it for me.

I think the only thing needed is to down the price of the license.

this way people will feel "tempted" to join arac or taxi.

if the price was downed to something like 250k would quickly join the taxi company.
I wouldn't go that low, maybe 500k just to see if the interest in the activities improves. I feel like going lower than half a million would open the doors to people not really having a full understanding of the rules they have to follow when playing as ARAC or a Taxi Driver and as taxis have been here for awhile they maybe could  get the British airways kind of treatment, then i think it would be taken more seriously

I wouldn't go that low, maybe 500k just to see if the interest in the activities improves. I feel like going lower than half a million would open the doors to people not really having a full understanding of the rules they have to follow when playing as ARAC or a Taxi Driver and as taxis have been here for awhile they maybe could  get the British airways kind of treatment, then i think it would be taken more seriously
you do have a point there, if the price were to be too low all the hobos would go for it and it would ruin it

Exactly, the Hobo's can have some power but when you open the flood gates it would turn into anarchy, just imagine a taxi flying through kavala on a busy afternoon because theirs a hobo at the wheel :/

How much do you get paid to do these jobs? I assume it is per fare or repair. If the cost to the service user is the same as the payment to the service provider then it will be too expensive or cheap to support interest from both parties simultaneously. if payments are made every 15 minutes crank up the pay and make fares or repairs cheaper than kits or cars. Please don't increase any prices though, every price hike makes hobos of new people like me for longer, if anything, make if half a million for the license and a white-listed role.

My perspective as an enthusiastic new guy. I understand the hobo thing though, aren't we all victims at some point?

What about some admin rp selling the positions at a job fair style event. I can imagine it being interesting.
