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Taking an officer hostage

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  [bG] Ghost 
[bG] Ash
Time & Date this happened: 9:43am 26/02/2015
Which Server did this happen on: 1
Description of what happened:
Ash's car flagged up on my ANPR so i gave chase but i crashed into a lampost as i was repairing my car they came over orders my hands on my head then put me in thier car i told them it was an offence to take me as i was not released i follow the fourm post by wilco stateing to respawn and report 

What Rule Was Broken ?:
Taking an officer hostage
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
 Talked over the ingame mobile but they said they were only taking me to execute me.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after) 
the situation started at 1:30
This is where it gets technical on the definition of a hostage. A hostage is defined as:

 a person who is captured by someone who demands that certain things be done before the captured person is freed


However it may be the intention of Wilco that they are not ziptied at all. There was a long forum discussion about it, not sure what the outcome was of it. Will edit if I have found anything.

However on a side not, I like how they played the victim here, but they drove up to you, honking their horn. I feel like they wanted the chase.

This a complicated and delicate discussion, this will be all of my input, will not reply again.

-PLF Delta


Quotes from Wilco:

Taking Police hostage (some word this as kidnapping) is now against server rules for a temporary period.

especially when the RP they are experiencing is not of very good quality.

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I've personally restrained officers and never got reported for it. Why is because I tell them it's for my own safety plus the fact that I actually don't take them elsewhere. They stay where they are (maybe I move them a few meters to a better spot, but that's about it) and I keep RP'ing. Last time I got a officer restrained was last night, which @Wills King knows about.. Not sure if it was HIM or one of his pals that we got restrained but however.. 

If you're going to execute a police, I'd recomend doing it pretty much on the spot. 
Restraining officers is fine in my opinion and also in the way that I've read the rules, because I am not taking them hostage if I keep them restrained next to their own veichle. I'm simply making them being unable to do something fishy. 

Sooo yeah.. It might be that did not intend to take you hostage, however it is a little bit strange to actually put you into the veichle and then drive off with you... That is actually taking you hostage.. in my opinion.. 

And I know admins and mods, not a place for me to comment but I just waneted to point out a problem with this rule. 
It's really hard to handle cops and sometimes problems like this will happen when people don't intednt to take them hostage however it's still maybe being counted as a hostage situation.. 
That's why I made this comment.. 

Well as you saw i was not told what was happening before being restrained or anything just put hands on head and i did give them a chance with the uhh what you think you doing =/

You chased us, you wasn't a hostage, you was not  restrained for negotiation or for protection, you was not kidnapped either kidnaps involves someone taking someone for no reason i can assure you this pc was taken for a reason, you was restrained for following us and wanting to pull us over, we was gonna kill u on the spot but then it got crowded so we decided to move you for our own protection cause when we execute people we do it with the proper intentions of role play witch takes time witch we couldn't do in the current scenario as it was crowded so we could give the reasons why you was getting executed witch you can hear me try to do in the vehicle and for you to be able to give your last words.

We was gonna role play the execution fully until the officer logged witch was great disappointment for me and the flying spaghetti monster. If you watch this video its clear that we was not attempting to break any rules what so ever. There needs to be a discussion on the whole hostage scenario as it is unclear on what u can and cannot do with the cops and what counts towards being taken hostage and what doesn't because under my understanding being a hostage means you are being used to negotiate and Ghost shouldn't be any part of this as it is my choice. And we wasn't not looking for a chase for all those who think we was, this was very late at night and only 1 cop was online i was surprised we even bumped into him.

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And what really disgusts me here is how fast he jumped at the rule being broken, he did not hear the explanation or anything before jumping out of role play.

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This was also not kidnapping, as kidnapping is an intention of taking someone fore no reason,

this pc was taken for a reason

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1. A person held by one party in a conflict as security that specified terms will be met by the opposing party.
2. One that serves as security against an implied threat: superpowers held hostage to each other by their nuclear arsenals.
3. One that is under the constraining control of another:
This was also not kidnapping, as kidnapping is an intention of taking someone fore no reason,

this pc was taken for a reason
To execute him? That is not a reason. Also if take a person for a reason, that's still a hostage.

To execute him? That is not a reason. Also if take a person for a reason, that's still a hostage.
You are the accused or OP?. I didnt think so.
I can see it objectively from both sides. I believe this is a general misunderstanding.

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You are the accused or OP?. I didnt think so.

I can see it objectively from both sides. I believe this is a general misunderstanding.
Sorry mate but you cannot be objectively, regardless of how much you try. They are still your men. 

However, I can be. 

And what you said is kind of what I tried to say in my original comment on this report. That the rules are to be honest a little bit too open for misunderstanding. 

Sorry mate but you cannot be objectively, regardless of how much you try. They are still your men. However, I can be. 

And what you said is kind of what I tried to say in my original comment on this report. That the rules are to be honest a little bit too open for misunderstanding.
You are right. I cant. I recant my prior statement. I hope the admin deem this as what it is. A misunderstanding. Thank you thresh for the adjusting my point to a proper one
report accepted, he was taken hostage...

you were chased, he crashed, you could of got away.. you want to kill him because of a ticket (YOUR WORDS)... wow..

Edit: Forgot to add Police will just respawn if taken hostage and will file a report in the report a player section so anyone caught doing this will need to appeal there unban.
awaiting action.

May i ask a nonofficer to review? Not anything against you Neo, but we want a admin that is not a cop to take a look, and see the explanation, as they did not take him hostage, just oved hi cause the scene was quite hectic ad they oved hi fr some valid reasons

He would have died, either there or another place, as they did not like him chasing.

May i ask a nonofficer to review? Not anything against you Neo, but we want a admin that is not a cop to take a look, and see the explanation, as they did not take him hostage, just oved hi cause the scene was quite hectic ad they oved hi fr some valid reasons

He would have died, either there or another place, as they did not like him chasing.
I +1 this. It makes more sense for someone who isnt part of any of the groups here and is admind to take a look.

I do my job as an admin fairly, I've even banned cops. So if you believe i'm acting impartially, you can take that up with @Wilco.

I've passed it on.

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so let me get this right .... cops are there to either be killed or let them arrest u, basically cops are untouchable and it's is impossible to have a role play scenario with them, and the only way to have any role play with a cop is if u have been arrested or your doing a hm treasury. If i went to this officer and executed  him on the spot i would of got shot by the surround hobo's and gang members., i took it on my own protection to move him to a safe place to execute. And if this is a bannable offense then 60+ people must be banned for it.

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I do my job as an admin fairly, I've even banned cops. So if you believe i'm acting impartially, you can take that up with @Wilco.

I've passed it on.
Not easy coming in contact with him for us "simple" members

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