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[TAC] Altie - RDM

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Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [TAC] Altie
Time & Date this happened: 25/4/2015
Which Server did this happen on: 2
Description of what happened: I saw some vehicles near Kavala drug dealer, heard some gun shots too so i headed up to watch the situation. I parked my quadbike close, saw some money. I tried to pick it up and he shot me without warning or saying anything.
What Rule Was Broken ?: [SIZE=medium]RDM - Random Death Match Definition:[/SIZE]
Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after) https://youtu.be/92S49hSjkiQ
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RP was initiated in the area. You walked into a firefight. Duh.  I was there, everyone who was trying to move in on the drug-deal was shot.  That's what happens. You should be reporting [ARC] Cpt. Pablo.

The only reason I am jumping in was because I was there at one point and saw the shooting so I left.

Becurse There is a idiot playing music...
Thats the guys you shoud report for break a rule.. we was in fire fight with police so Mabey dont run in there we Was saying no run go in or we will shoot .. 

Dude we warn you, we even counted it was roleplay not RDM you just walk in and you didnt leave when we told you man we had no choice if you dont comply we are authorized to shoot. You need to understand. 

As in the video, there is no warning, if you recorded it too. can you please upload it to show me that you warn me.

If theres a firefight going on it means that RP already been initiated. And when theyre exchanging bullets you wont run into the cross fire would you? And if you do you get hurt because theres a FIREFIGHT going on. Common sense people common sense...

Ohhhhh handbags.

Keep it clean kids - only post if your the reporter or reportee - anyone else runs the risk of me or my colleagues hiding your waffle and locking.

lol FFG awesomeness at its best...

Alright, I'm going to reject this, you could hear shots, you could see police cars and drug vehicles all over the area.. and you just walk in... Love to see you call RDM in real life...

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