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Sunrise VDM [Lack Of Evidence]

Anthony Winterberg

New member
Dear admin, 

I got VDM. by Sunrise in the Kavala Safe-zone while I was repairing my car after he crashed into me,

And I would therefore ask to prosecute him for his actions.

I don't have any evidence except for my own eyes and the side-chat, but Sunrise claims to have the full thing on recording.

This is a list of the stuff I had on me:

-42000 cash

-NV Goggles


-2x First aid kit

-Green stripped shirt

-Hat (Tan)

-Carryall Backpack [Khaki]

Thankyou for your attention.

Anthony W.B.

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Before reporting a player please read this
Please open a thread with the person you are reporting as the title for example if your reporting Wilco the title would be "Wilco", Then please use the template below, We aim to look into any new reports within 12 hours and reach a decision, The forum is open for reply's however we have a few rules around this.
1. The original poster and the person defending themselves may contribute to the post but keep it clean and act like adults.
2. Anyone who does not have any evidence who cannot provide value with evidence there post will be deleted, unless they are of a Admin rank.
3. Anyone who posts edited video to attempt to get the person they are reported in trouble will be banned.
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Description of what happened:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
We need evidence. Denied, please post a report with evidence and in the correct layout if you wish to report this player again.

- Little Ol' Mitch
