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Suggestions And A Push To Fix City Issues


So, before I begin this thread I do want to begin by saying I do enjoy it here and what I say is my opinion. As an Ex City Owner, which I only state as I am aware of developing hiccups, time etc. I am aware it's not anyone's job, unless stated. It is time out of yours' days to provide us with this City and of course we should respect that their time is limited.

However, now onto my opinion. I feel, as a City which has been established for so long, to have this many issues is a little worrying. To constantly be told, oh its your issue, its your computer. When no, it's clearly the City. Is frustrating. Many of us, can safely say it isn't us. The constant going through the world, isnt' normal. And it can go back and forth, but it isn't normal for a City. It can definitely be helped. Removing certain MLOS, clearing the cities cache, removing hidden assets and more. It's so frustrating, because as an established City, it just feels like our issues are falling on deaf ears and we're just told 'its a you issue'. Myself, have not had this many issues in another city before. Same graphics, same everything. They even had more assets. Can we maybe just have a few weeks where the City is looked into in detail to see if issues like that can be sorted.

Onto suggestions! It does sometimes feel certain groups, get the privileges while a lot of us just get told we're not introducing anything. I would wholeheartedly enjoy the City more, if simply there was a few more things introduced. A few more things where ALL parties can enjoy. In terms of civilian aspect of things, my suggestions include:

- A recycling centre. This could massively help business trade. Just like the mines, individuals can get resources for businesses, gangs etc. It's super fun and can introduce the ability to make friendships etc.

- More civilian jobs. Maybe the building job! Again, to help support friendships, very similar to the bin job. You have to have multiple people.

- Clothing. Oh boy, please can we get more clothing. New hair, some more body types, some more 'in-date' clothing, would definitely make playing a lot more exciting.

Now, onto criminal things. I am aware, certain groups get certain rights to maintain a sense of structure among other gangs. Though, I do agree with that as it stops people going mental I do feel we do get just thrown to the side sometimes. And people get away with more than others would. I would love to see more for all gangs to do. More abilities, more avenues to explore as again, it just feels at a stand still and it's sad to see certain people leave because it's just stale. I'd love maybe more activities to do as gangs, more drugs perhaps, more guns perhaps. Again, yes keeping that structure, but allowing other gangs to have that chance too.

I understand, this probably wont come across appreciated by some, but please. Please can we just be listened too, as again in my eyes this city has so much potential, but I just feel we're not wholeheartedly listened to, or if we do suggest something we get argued against. Hopefully some of these ideas could be implemented to benefit our gameplay in the future.
I don't think anyone really disagrees with your points :)
I think we would all love more civilian jobs, more stuff for crims and more clothing and hair.

The only thing I know anything about is clothing and hair, so I'll give my two cents on that...

The problems with a lot of clothing is that;

Creators often makes clothing to "look good" but not perform very well. 70% of what is out there, is made to look good in a photo, but once you start moving it in, it looks bad.
A lot of clothing doesn't go with the "hands/gloves" that is in the game, and a lot of creators don't make their own, which restults in the clipping of skin or you being able to see through the character.
Lets say we find a piece of clothing that IS made to move, and DOES go with basegame "hands/gloves", then the next thing is; is it optimized?

If a piece of clothing isn't optimized, and we put 50 pieces in, it's gonna drain space and performance for everyone.
Again, alot of creators don't really think about performance, they want BIG textures that looks good, but doesn't care what that "costs" in performance.

And yet again; a lot of clothing is pay to use, which the server isn't currently getting involved in. This is, to my understanding, because you can't examine clothing before buying it, and they don't want to waste money buying clothes that doesn't live up to the requirements.

Now about the body types; At the moment we have some booty-jeans, we got some tops that makes your chest bigger but not really complete other body types.
This might be because if we download 1 custom body, then that body can only wear that creators clothing made specifically for that body. And again, that is a big puzzle and limiting players, at the same time as pulling performance.

For hair, the same goes really. A lot of hair is made to look good, but not move well, or is very very high in polycount. A long female hair with braids can easily be 60,000 polygons, and stiff as wax, which is not something we would want on the server.

We are however constantly looking for clothing and hair that does meet the requirements, but even so, testing and editing and putting it forward, requesting permission from creators and so on, takes time. Everyone who is working on the server, is doing it in their spare time, out of a love for the game, for the tech and the server, but they have lives too.

Anyways, just a bit about clothing and hair.
Oops, apologies. Sent a reply before writing anything.

Thanks for replying! Completely aware of the clothing situation. I remember how difficult it was, especially with body types.

I remember completely replacing GTA clothing with custom, and half like you said looked awful, especially with body types involved. But, this doesn't mean new clothings and such can't be added. There are so many out there, including tops and such which will fit and free. Just from what I can see, we've not had many updates to clothing at all. Which is a shame.
I used to get the falling through the map all the time, now I haven't seen it in forever except once or twice.

As I've had it explained to me: the server is actually 13 or so separate servers for each separate zone. When you fall through through map, that's a server failing to load or you failing to connect to it fast enough. So you fall through the map cause its not actually there until it suddenly is but you're already under the map at this point.

I might have that wrong but that's how it's explained to me. Funnily enough, I don't think since I upgraded my broadband to full fibre I've had the map falling through maybe more than maybe twice? I upgraded my broadband to full fibre probably about 2 years ago, I've moved house in the middle of that but remained on the same broadband technology for the last 2 years and since then, not really had this map issue all that much at all.

Regarding clothing, in all honesty I'm not majorily bothered about that except when it comes to updating groups clothing items, in which case anything I 'want' I just try to make and present it where needed.

As for MLO's, I belive RPUK is subscribed to Gabz and the vast majority of MLO's come from them, albeit they are of superb quality and most have been in the server for years. If you want a specific MLO, make a suggestion, if you've identified issues with one already in, make a bug report. The devs need to know where the issues are and in my experience they are very quick to fix most issues.

Civilian jobs are nice and I agree we need more of them, especially the group jobs, activities that bring people together but these things take time. When you see what factions ask for on top of the server suggestions, the devs have an endless list of work that has to be constantly prioritised.

It sounds like you have a lot of skills,l though, my advice is if you wanna see change, apply and help. 😀
I used to get the falling through the map all the time, now I haven't seen it in forever except once or twice.

As I've had it explained to me: the server is actually 13 or so separate servers for each separate zone. When you fall through through map, that's a server failing to load or you failing to connect to it fast enough. So you fall through the map cause its not actually there until it suddenly is but you're already under the map at this point.

I might have that wrong but that's how it's explained to me. Funnily enough, I don't think since I upgraded my broadband to full fibre I've had the map falling through maybe more than maybe twice? I upgraded my broadband to full fibre probably about 2 years ago, I've moved house in the middle of that but remained on the same broadband technology for the last 2 years and since then, not really had this map issue all that much at all.

Regarding clothing, in all honesty I'm not majorily bothered about that except when it comes to updating groups clothing items, in which case anything I 'want' I just try to make and present it where needed.

As for MLO's, I belive RPUK is subscribed to Gabz and the vast majority of MLO's come from them, albeit they are of superb quality and most have been in the server for years. If you want a specific MLO, make a suggestion, if you've identified issues with one already in, make a bug report. The devs need to know where the issues are and in my experience they are very quick to fix most issues.

Civilian jobs are nice and I agree we need more of them, especially the group jobs, activities that bring people together but these things take time. When you see what factions ask for on top of the server suggestions, the devs have an endless list of work that has to be constantly prioritised.

It sounds like you have a lot of skills,l though, my advice is if you wanna see change, apply and help. 😀
Yeah, i have really good broadband, and a really decent PC. So it is odd how I'm getting it, and not in other cities. Maybe just bad luck! :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, i have really good broadband, and a really decent PC. So it is odd how I'm getting it, and not in other cities. Maybe just bad luck! :ROFLMAO:
Have you checked what your ping is? I get 6 milliseconds on WiFi. My PC is Ethernet though.