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Staticz's Story


The UNMC Sgt.
Nottingham, United Kingdom
I was born on the small island of the Randolf on the 5th of February 2015. My childhood was hard no adventure was to be found on this baron plane I always had to make up my own things to do. My dad was a soldier so I never saw him it was always up to my mum to look after me she was nice I got sent to Warrington Private Education School to study Law enforcement and move on to university. At the age of 20 with a killer CV I decided I was to leave my mother behind and venture on to another place. This is when one day I was looking at a travel brochure my friend Travis Davis had gave me back in my uni years I discovered a island called Altis I checked it and this is exactly what I had been looking for a island filled full of everything I needed. I got a group of friends and we packed our bags and set off I waved my mother goodbye and said I would see her soon and would visit her (I always thought I would miss her cookies they were the best). 5 hours later we were there ready to live our new lives! I started work as a Bridge Construction Worker at Janson Bridging it was a well paided job all great I had a good house and my best friends beside me. Until one day that changed it was just a normal day everything was going perfectly I had just got back from work to find my flat had been robbed... It was the worst time of my life I had checked my bank all my money was gone.... This is when I went into a deep depression everything had gone... Since that day I pledged that I would find the robbers that ruined my live and will seek revenge...

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