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Spencer Sotelo - Lost bounty liscense (Refused)

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Dora Raymen

Well-known member
Huddersfield, England, UK
Arma 3 ID: 76561198079396103

I was kidnapped at gunpoint and forced to pick cocaine for a masked man. On picking the drugs, I did have a fire arm present in my hands, however he said if I try anything he'll kill me. After gatherin the drugs, we made our way out of the field and police were waiting for us. We were forced out of the vehicle and took to either side away from eachother, I said "thank god you guys showed up!" And they seemed confused, as I had a fire arm in my hands when on the field, and continued to ask why I didn't call the police or shoot him. ( I didn't know you could text police at this point, I was quite new ) so when taken to the station I gave officer mike foxtrot my story, but he refused to believe me and sent me to prison. Thus leading to my loosing my liscense. Which I thought was outrageous! That cost me 2 million£ for my bounty liscense! I worked long and hard to earn that right and he took it away because he was too stubborn and thought cause he was a PC what he says goes. I'm not happy about this, and would like a compensation for the £2000000 as I loved being a bounty hunter.

Please use the template given in this link! 

Requests tend to get declined if you don't~

-DSGT Junior


Process not followed, However this wont be approved as a server comp request, open a thread in the police complaints commission with any video evidence of this you have.

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