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Something needs to be enforced ?


Reverend woz 'ere.
I have been playing AltisLife for a good 3 months now, I have met some amazing people, that I know I won't forget, the laughs I have had on this server is incredible and its been a roller coaster. However I feel like I am going to be taking a break, I am not leaving the island, just sitting back in a rocking chair for a bit listening to some records.

I am simply taking a break because I feel I am on it way too much, and I am also getting fed up with all this un-called for reporting, over some really silly things. We are human, we make mistakes, this is a game. I know this server is serious, but I really think something needs to be done about the reporting. 

Its not that I'm afraid of breaking a rule, its the fact of me not being perfect and I may make a mistake that will end my journey on this terrific server. I feel that I would just like to take a break. However I do think that the Administration team need to clamp down on reportings, I feel it's getting out of control, and I know there is a bunch of people that would back me up on this one. I am NOT saying that you are to drop reporting completely. 

There are numerous occasions where I could have reported someone for breaking a rule. However I talked to them on teamspeak, resolved the issue they explained why they did it, they said sorry and that was that.

We are meant to be a community, we stick together like we did through that terrible time when the server kept getting hit off. Reporting people for the sake of it because you have footage of them doing something that is not guided by the server rules.



I agree. Had a member log out after dying because he had some family business he urgently needed to tend to, which I think is fair enough. The guys already dead, you've killed him, just let him leave and go do whatever he needs to do we don't need to squabble and spend the next 40 minutes trying to defend ourselves on the forum. Sometimes, I feel like we are playing a forum report simulator rather than an RPG.

I don't want to name any names, but I see some forum members posting more forum reports than anything else, and it seems they play the game solely to catch people making mistakes in hopes to get them banned, or purposefully trying to entrap them.

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Yeah well said, just like its turning into a play to ban. and the community is falling apart due to personal matters between people. (this is an opinion and that is not ban-able before something happens)

I agree. Had a member log out after dying because he had some family business he urgently needed to tend to, which I think is fair enough. The guys already dead, you've killed him, just let him leave and go do whatever he needs to do we don't need to squabble and spend the next 40 minutes trying to defend ourselves on the forum. Sometimes, I feel like we are playing a forum report simulator rather than an RPG.

I don't want to name any names, but I see some forum members posting more forum reports than anything else, and it seems they play the game solely to catch people making mistakes in hopes to get them banned, or purposefully trying to entrap them.
After seeing that very report it made me think what the fuck... sometimes people need to tend to things outside of the game if things with regs can be sorted on ts don't go to the forums and get them banned... it's a sly move.

I have a sis yer with a learning difficulty and I have to log several times throughout the day at random intervals to tend to her and luckily I'm yet to be in a combat situation when this happens.. guess I'll have to afk xD.. but you get my point.. that report was a joke..

You are right about the reports, but I do think the admin team is very good at seeing wether it is actually a real report or not. However they still take up admin time.

Like this report: 

Had Ben only taken the time to speak to Jimmy, he wouldn't have had to report it. Im not saying its wrong to report, but at least try to discuss it first, especially if its an established player on the server. Very rarely do they actually intend on breaking server rules. And I've personally talked out several incidents on TS, where it was either a simple misunderstanding, technical difficulties or very new players.

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You are right about the reports, but I do think the admin team is very good at seeing wether it is actually a real report or not. However they still take up admin time.

Like this report: 

Had Ben only taken the time to speak to Jimmy, he wouldn't have had to report it. Im not saying its wrong to report, but at least try to discuss it first, especially if its an established player on the server. Very rarely do they actually intend on breaking server rules. And I've personally talked out several incidents on TS, where it was either a simple misunderstanding, technical difficulties or very new players.
yeah like that person wasn't even their he didn't know what happened.

It would be cool if the rules could be categorized into the severity of that rule, for example if a new player asked an out of character question and got reported for it, it would be a 'minor' warning etc. I totally agree with the pettiness of the recent reports, but that's down to the people reporting more than what the admins can control what should and shouldn't be reported.

-BG Vixxy ;)  

It would be cool if the rules could be categorized into the severity of that rule, for example if a new player asked an out of character question and got reported for it, it would be a 'minor' warning etc. I totally agree with the pettiness of the recent reports, but that's down to the people reporting more than what the admins can control what should and shouldn't be reported.

-BG Vixxy ;)
I think this is what we are saying, the players are too quick to report someone. OH NO HE ASKED ME HOW TO PUT MY HANDS UP. THIS IS RUINING MY GAMING EXPERIENCE AND I MUST HAVE THIS POOR GENTLEMAN BANNED. Get over it, he's probably new, just refer him to the rules/website and go about your day.

Sorry for the excessive caps.

I believe DainMK/Admins are trying to combat this, and now we have the new mentor/moderator team who are here to deal with such 'Minor' issues in-game, teamspeak and forums. Before posting a report of such minor things it is best to come and speak to a mentor it does help, and I can say we have been seeing a lot of people with such issues so something must be working.

As a mentor we often get people come to us saying "this person *insert broken rule of preference here*". Most of the people that come to me withe the above quote I try to get to talk to the person they have an issue with and nine times out of ten they resolve it there and then in team speak, no need for reporting and banning.

People do often say this is supposed to be an adult community, so act like it. If you have an issue with someone don't just jump in the help rooms demanding and admin or the report a player forum. Go away for an hour or two, make some toast, pet the cat, whatever it may be, just calm down a little. Then try to communicate with the person you had an issue with. If you think there will be an issue with communication we (mentors) are more than happy to sit in and mediate. 

I will now step off my soapbox. My apologies for the rant.

I completely agree with this for some reason every time you play you end up checking the forums a few hours after like I wonder if im on there because people just don't notify you of problems, It's never happened to me but I bet half the people that get banned for report a player didn't even know they had been reported, when 90 per cent of the time it could have been resolved on T/S
