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Some art gallery question


Well-known member
When I start breacking the lock with boltcutters, do I trigger any alarm?

Where do I sell the stolen paintings?

I robbed the gallery yesterday and got out with 3 paintings, no one showed up and no alarm (that I heard) was triggered. You need bolt cutters (only 1) to break down the door, I went through 2 doors and of course only used 1 bolt cutter. Then, once inside press windows key on each painting. It will take around a minute or so to collect each one, bring a gun just incase. The paintings don't weigh much so they should all go in your backpack, once taken sell them at the Antique dealer in Kavala and quickly bank the cash. If you are lucky enough to rob one of these it is well worth the drive!

I robbed the gallery yesterday and got out with 3 paintings, no one showed up and no alarm (that I heard) was triggered. You need bolt cutters (only 1) to break down the door, I went through 2 doors and of course only used 1 bolt cutter. Then, once inside press windows key on each painting. It will take around a minute or so to collect each one, bring a gun just incase. The paintings don't weigh much so they should all go in your backpack, once taken sell them at the Antique dealer in Kavala and quickly bank the cash. If you are lucky enough to rob one of these it is well worth the drive!
Breaking in to the building will trigger an alarm to police. Depending about the location and police available you might get police to respond to the robbery.  One art is worth of 250k, there is 3 of em. Its well worth ur time, taken into account it does not take longer than 5min to actually take it.
