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Derby mate!

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This is a huge mistake, i´m the guy who was saying fuck the police, so no warning points since i´m deploying evidences....

So what happen was that Jamz shoot to me and i was checking something on my computed and accidently said that the officer killed me, so that is the reason that my friend say "I'm executing you for executing my friend" .

And where is the RDM part in this all? he iniciate the RP on the police officer, there was a mistake from my part saying that i got killed, so he decided to kill the officer because of that i don´t see nothing wrong on this hole thing, the only thing that happen was a wrong information.

This is a huge mistake, i´m the guy who was saying fuck the police, so no warning points since i´m deploying evidences....

So what happen was that Jamz shoot to me and i was checking something on my computed and accidently said that the officer killed me, so that is the reason that my friend say "I'm executing you for executing my friend" .

And where is the RDM part in this all? he iniciate the RP on the police officer, there was a mistake from my part saying that i got killed, so he decided to kill the officer because of that i don´t see nothing wrong on this hole thing, the only thing that happen was a wrong information.
The RDM part is the bit where I die... for no real reason what-so-ever. The report also doesnt indicate that I said that the gunman was the one saying "Fuck the police" - I simply state that "Some guy was singing "Fuck the police" and I was taking it as most officers would, as an insult " 

Whether this is a bannable offense or whether Skr. Steve just needs a harsh word with - I'm sick and tired as an officer seeing people jump to the gun and literally pulling the damn thing out whenever they see the opportunity.
He hadnt initiated RP with me really... all he stated is "put your hands up" which I had, and "lower the weapon" - Which I had, and then goes on to say I had killed a man when clearly I have only my tazer pistol out? Is he blind perhaps? (No insult to blind people intended)

The RDM part is the bit where I die... for no real reason what-so-ever. The report also doesnt indicate that I said that the gunman was the one saying "Fuck the police" - I simply state that "Some guy was singing "Fuck the police" and I was taking it as most officers would, as an insult " 

Whether this is a bannable offense or whether Skr. Steve just needs a harsh word with - I'm sick and tired as an officer seeing people jump to the gun and literally pulling the damn thing out whenever they see the opportunity.He hadnt initiated RP with me really... all he stated is "put your hands up" which I had, and "lower the weapon" - Which I had, and then goes on to say I had killed a man when clearly I have only my tazer pistol out? Is he blind perhaps? (No insult to blind people intended)
All i can understand is that you didn´t understand it at all.... it was a mistake, me Lopes was the guy sigging fuck the police song and then you shoot me, then steve asked me if i was ok or something like that and I by accident said that i got killed or something like that... So steve doesn´t have foult on nothing, and in Real life there is bandits that kill police officers just because they like it, so if he wants he can kill you just for his own reasons he doesn´t even have to explain to you, he did everything correct, he iniciated the RP and in the end he killed you because he tough that you killed me, so act like an adult adn stop trying to people get banned, RDM is only when people KOS on sight or don´t give you time to compliance their order, so you don´t have reason and i´m ending talking with you, admin will sort this out., btw you ddin´t tried at least sort this on TeamSpeak, phone messages are for RP only or if it´s the last resource to contact the guy in question.

then steve asked me if i was ok or something like that and I by accident said that i got killed or something like that... 
 You made a stupid mistake that ended with RDM.

in Real life there is bandits that kill police officers just because they like it, so if he wants he can kill you just for his own reasons he doesn´t even have to explain to you,
Thats just silly. That'd be classed as RDM, again.

btw you ddin´t tried at least sort this on TeamSpeak, phone messages are for RP only or if it´s the last resource to contact the guy in question.
Dont try to be clever with this comment. I looked up and down teamspeak for Steve and couldnt find him anywhere. I used the mobile in-game in an out of character fashion to ask about his actions, nothing more. Don't try to get one over me with it when you're rolling around almost getting people banned for RDM because you think a cop would shoot to kill for verbal abuse, it's pathetic. 

I have removed the report on Steve as he has spoken to me via private messages. It is resolved.
-SPC Jamz
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