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Skogman - Unbanappeal (Unbanned)

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Active member
I am sorry for putting up a second appeal, and wasting your time. But I do not understand the reason why my appeal was denied. "Denied due to bumping"

My first appeal: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/29319-skogman-unbanappeal-denied/

Your In-game name:


Your Steam Profile ID:


Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:



Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Rule 5: New Life Rule

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

I have no intension of ruining the roleplay and fun for others, I got banned for doing a mistake by thinking i got rdm'd. I love the these servers as much as many of you others do, and I also know how it is if someone ruins your gaming experience. I am truly sorry for this Elakin, Arnie, PeppieA, and every body else around. And I do promise I will never make this mistake again if you let me back on to your servers again. I do understand if you dont want me back, though i would appriciate it a lot if you would give me another chance.

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I know im just another rulebreaker with bad intensions in your eyes, but im still a human, and I am not perfect. I do wrong sometimes but I will from now on try better than my best not to break your rules, and to be a good add-on to your community.

Im done with talking here, unless you have any questions. Thank You for reading this, if you did.

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"[COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)]Hello! As the admin who banned you, I have a slightly different version of the story. He roleplayed and killed you, you then respawn in Kavala and try to get away with your truck. Despite several warnings from me and other ppl via text, you still stayed and refused to acknowledge that you'd broken any rules. That is why you got banned. And if you feel you were RDMed, why not alert the admins? At least two of us was on. In my opinion, the part about thinking you were RDMed is a lie constructed afterwards."[/COLOR]

[SIZE= 13px]Why did you ignore the admin when they was contacting you ?[/SIZE]

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"Hello! As the admin who banned you, I have a slightly different version of the story. He roleplayed and killed you, you then respawn in Kavala and try to get away with your truck. Despite several warnings from me and other ppl via text, you still stayed and refused to acknowledge that you'd broken any rules. That is why you got banned. And if you feel you were RDMed, why not alert the admins? At least two of us was on. In my opinion, the part about thinking you were RDMed is a lie constructed afterwards."

Why did you ignore the admin when they was contacting you ?
I tried to talk to him, but in my perspective I didn't get enough time to respont to any of it before i got banned. I was typing as you cant talk out of rp. But half way into my message I was banned, im am truly sorry for this. @Wilco

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Its clear to me this ban is 100% correct, However we can give you one last final chance, Go read the rules before entering the server... think carefully in future about your actions.

If youve been beaten then be a man and accept it rather than breaking rules to save trucks etc.

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