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Silly thing to ban someone over (Denied)

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Active member
Andover, Hampshire
To be honest I don't know why I'm writing this unban request, I didn't think I would be banned for having a little fun. I don't know if I want to come back to the server if this is what you get banned for. I've been on this server for as long as I've been playing ARMA 3, and thats alot of time and money to waste just for something as small as this incident is. 

What do I need to say in this anyway? Everything I needed to say was in the original forum post. If what I said there didn't stop me from getting banned, I don't see how writing this post will help one bit at all. 

When it happened... No, I'm not going to rewrite my explanation of what happened, because you won't care about that. If you cared about it you would have been apathetic and taken my side into consideration. So I'm just going to lay down some points for you to ponder before you deny this request.

#1 It's just a game

#2 It's my first server ban, not even a warning

#3 I'm sad you wont be receiving my donations any more

#4 Also sad because I can't get a refund on the good times I've had on the server

#5 That shot thought! One shot kill, pro sniping

#6 If I wanted to break the rules I would have shot the cop, not the guy wanting to be shot

#7 I don't know why I'm still typing, its nearly 6 am, I better hit the sack. 

In all seriousness, It would be nice to be unbanned, it would show that you are kind and understanding but If I remain banned can you at least give my remaining donation perks to the guy who plays as RangerMcFriendly. Thanks. Peace.

I guess your writing this because you enjoy playing here and the community.

We have rules and anyone in this community including admins need to follow them otherwise bans are issued.

Why are you not writing an explanation without one I wont know what you was banned for and get your side of the story thats what the unban appeal process is for.

1. It is just a game but we have rules and we have the right to ban people if broken

2. We do not give warnings, we have clear rules and if there broken it is a perm ban until appealed successfully.

3. Donations do not come into bans etc, We appreciate them but they cannot!  give anyone an extra rights/extra input

4.You dont need a refund for good times they live long in the memory.

5. Unsure what this is about

6. Sometimes people don't want to break the rules they just forget them however again I am unsure what your on about

7. Same here

We are kind and we are very understanding people, but like I said rules are rules and everyone is treated the same.

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no response - Unable to keep appeals open.

If you return then open a new appeal linking this appeal and reply with your appeal why you was banned and what rules was broken.

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