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Shooting in Greenzones


Im just wondering abit about the rules.

The rules clearly states that RDMing, which is killing people without any reason, is not allowed in greenzones. However, if a guy runs at me with a gun drawn, or i was just smacked in the ground and robbed, am i allowed to pull out my gun and shoot him then?

Theres many people waiting near traders in order to rob people who either come to sell or buy stuff, and i feel i should be able to defend myself (after giving a warning of course) or to shoot the guy who just attacked me and is trying to get away with my money..

The reason im asking is that the robber will go store the money straight away. If i actually manage to get a cop's attention to the situation, theres not really anything to be done, as the robber will just hide out the police and continiue doing so. Most of my starting cahs was lost due to this, and my reluctance to draw my weapond.

So hows the rules about this? Is shooting in freenzones allowed in self defence?


Your best bet is to follow them from a distance, report it to the cops and give them a good description of the perps appearance. Clothing, skin colour, weapon used, grid co-ordinates or landmarks etc. Then if they leave the greenzone, dish out some vigilante justice. But in the greenzone, let the police do their job. It's what we pay our taxes for after all. ;)

I wanted to ask a similar question if soembody is robbing you at gunpoint and you draw your gun in self decence and then you kill im within rp is it RDM?

And if it is not could you then say it's not against altis law either because you acted out of self defense?

I wanted to ask a similar question if soembody is robbing you at gunpoint and you draw your gun in self decence and then you kill im within rp is it RDM?

And if it is not could you then say it's not against altis law either because you acted out of self defense?
It is not RDM when you do what you said. He tried to rob you, so he started roleplay. This is not the 17th century where we solve disputes with a gentlemens duel. He tries to rob you at gunpoint, if you are a quick draw you can try, but it might cost you your life tho.

Ofcourse it is still against the law and you would be wanted for murder if you manage to kill the attacker. If you roleplay it properly, you might however talk your way out of that with the cops, unless you carry a illegal gun. But there is a real possibility you will end up in jail, even if it was self defence. Basicly the cop arresting you is your judge, unless you demand to speak to a higher ranked officer.

It all depends what you mean by Green zone in the old set up all of the main cities was classed as "green zones" on the new set up there is 2 x "safe zones" which is in Kavala and the VIP island

in a "safe zone" you are not allowed to commit robbery, shoot, kill basically you cannot do anything that is illegal it is the server rules and is a bannable offence, so do not retaliate and shoot just let them do what ever and then report them on the forum and claim compensation.

but if you are talking about in say Athira, Pygros or the outskirts of Kavala then robbery is allowed and so is defending yourself.

I wanted to ask a similar question if soembody is robbing you at gunpoint and you draw your gun in self decence and then you kill im within rp is it RDM?

And if it is not could you then say it's not against altis law either because you acted out of self defense?
It is not RDM when you do what you said. He tried to rob you, so he started roleplay. This is not the 17th century where we solve disputes with a gentlemens duel. He tries to rob you at gunpoint, if you are a quick draw you can try, but it might cost you your life tho.

Ofcourse it is still against the law and you would be wanted for murder if you manage to kill the attacker. If you roleplay it properly, you might however talk your way out of that with the cops, unless you carry a illegal gun. But there is a real possibility you will end up in jail, even if it was self defence. Basicly the cop arresting you is your judge, unless you demand to speak to a higher ranked officer.
I'll add that if you're not on the wanted list for other things, and you are carrying a legal weapon, you can call the police and request assistance because you just had to kill someone in self defence, you should then be removed/pardoned from the wanted list.

Keep in mind though that they will run your name to check other offences and will most probably search you for illigal items. If you had to use an illigal weapon you can offcoarse hide it in a bush and say you used a knife, but be prepared to roleplay your heart out.

To be honest I'll have to add that the last times I tried this no police showed up. Last couple of weeks, before I took a break while waiting for the new update, police seemed to engage large amounts of staff in testing things, and only a few people were patroling.

Or they would be preoccupied at the bank for ages. (my impression)

EDIT: I'll add as a response to the OP that this does not apply in the greenzone, as RebornFuel stated, any robbery, stealing and killing is against server rules, not laws, in the greenzone. If someone wants to kill you there they may, and you report them on the forum.

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I'll add that if you're not on the wanted list for other things, and you are carrying a legal weapon, you can call the police and request assistance because you just had to kill someone in self defence, you should then be removed/pardoned from the wanted list.

Keep in mind though that they will run your name to check other offences and will most propably search you for illigal items. If you had to use an illigal weapon you can offcoarse hide it in a bush and say you used a knife, but be prepared to roleplay your heart out.

To be honest I'll have to add that the last times I tried this no police showed up. Last couple of weeks, before I took a break while waiting for the new update, police seemed to engage large amounts of staff in testing things, and only a few people were patroling.

Or they would be preoccupied at the bank for ages. (my impression)
yup you are exactly right, the police are always preoccupied with the 20+ bank robberies and similar amounts of kidnappings happening every day.

Well, kidnappings are more fun RP than the bank imho. I think the bank-job should be reworked into something harder, so it'll happen like once or twice a day. Or drasticly lower the possible amount of money to be won.. Or just shut down the bank due to it being.. bankrupt after all those robberies. Actually, I might make a suggestion out of that.

instead of it constantly being full just have it so it has 100 bars in it per day once it is empty come back tomorrow

Well, kidnappings are more fun RP than the bank imho. I think the bank-job should be reworked into something harder, so it'll happen like once or twice a day. Or drasticly lower the possible amount of money to be won.. Or just shut down the bank due to it being.. bankrupt after all those robberies. Actually, I might make a suggestion out of that.
I don't think the bank should be shut down, I think it's a great feature. There are some problems about it though, and I doubt it has an easy fix. I think maybe one thing that could be done is remove NLR, and make a "no return"-policy at the bank. Also I think it's wrong for the police to set up ambushes at the gold seller if they just died at the bank and the robbers are heading out, meaning "no return" should apply to the event and not the area. The problem, the way I see it, is that the bank events drag out for far too long, people return on both sides and the fight never ends.

I did make the suggestion lol =P But maybe some good debate about it will lead to a good solution =)
