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Shooting Down Heli's

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Active member
I was off for 7/8 months and i can see that server got new changes. UNMC is back like i was playing when i started here...red zone too.

I been reading the rules pages and i have 1 question regarthing shooting helis.

It happens with me.

I was flying around and went to weed process, were i found 4 trucks and lot of ppl. It happens that they starting shooting me, thank god i was in a Orca and they didnt kill me. They left my ENG orange and nothing else.

So, can ppl engage helis or not?

I ask them to come TS and they explained to me, they can if they fire tracer bullets as a warning first....is that true?

You can fire tracers next to a helicopter as a warning to leave an area. This is done due to the inability to initiate roleplay with a vehicle that is up in the air. (You may remember as an older player that we used to metagame the helicopter and send a phone message in RP, but this is not done anymore)

If they actually damaged your heli, that is not a warning, that is called shooting you down.

So you telling me that they can shoot me down.

I was a bit hoovering the area and they damage the heli...so basecly if you dont leave, they can shoot you down. True?

This is the process they have to follow:

Shoot a few rounds of tracers to warn you to go away, if you fail to go away then they may shoot you down as initiation has occured.

So you telling me that they can shoot me down.

I was a bit hoovering the area and they damage the heli...so basecly if you dont leave, they can shoot you down. True?
If they give a number of warning shots that don't hit you, and you remain in the same place and don't attempt to either back off or land, they can shoot the helicopter down yes. They can't shoot you down immediately as that would fall under RDM

It was my gang and I there (TCK), and we shot many tracers, waited a while and then began to spray at least 10 magazines, with at least 3 of them on point at his helicopter's rotors. For some reason the helicopter's rotors did not become shot out even though we sprayed it for a LONG time and all of us were doing this. He just seemed to hover there taking no damage so we assumed he was a hacker and left. We asked if he was and he just replied with 'lol'. I just wanted to know how you didn't get shot down?

Yes i left because i was low in fuel and went to scrap that Orca. 

Can someone explain to this wannabe's "TKC", wannabe's because even you dont no were your TAG came from.

If you want i can explain you.....

You tag name came from a old gang that was long time ago in this server. "TKC"- The Kavala Cartel

But because they left or they got banned someone just started a new gang almost with same name.

Like T.I they where one of the best gangs here.

CAn any staff member explain to this guy the armour of ORCA...and Hellcat. Maybe he will understand why he didnt shot me down.

About the hacking....if this go further i can give my evidences. Without any evidence i think you need to stop calling ppl hacker.

Well to be honest mate, i was there as well and i saw your rotor disapear and re-apear and i have a video, u were either glitched or hacking , i doubt it was a glitch as you confirmed you took damage still, but only orange on your engine.....

They sprayed 7.62mm mx ammo, at least 20 mags, kinda dodgy... XD

Hello guys. I recommend both parties to join teamspeak and have a chat with a support or staff member present. 

This part of the forum is not for accusing or reports. 

And did a simple question regarding initiation on helicopters just have to turn into accusations and witty comments?

Your question has been answered by Tom and others.

I must inform you that waiting for the people on the ground to start shooting at you with the intention to shoot you down just for any of your friendlies to shoot them is called baiting. (If that makes sense)doing so may result in a ban on yourself.

Yes i left because i was low in fuel and went to scrap that Orca. 

Can someone explain to this wannabe's "TKC", wannabe's because even you dont no were your TAG came from.

If you want i can explain you.....

You tag name came from a old gang that was long time ago in this server. "TKC"- The Kavala Cartel

But because they left or they got banned someone just started a new gang almost with same name.

Like T.I they where one of the best gangs here.

CAn any staff member explain to this guy the armour of ORCA...and Hellcat. Maybe he will understand why he didnt shot me down.

About the hacking....if this go further i can give my evidences. Without any evidence i think you need to stop calling ppl hacker.
If you looked you would see we are TCK

Also I'd like to politely inform you that The Copper Kings (TCK) have no affiliation to TKC and The Copper Kings have been on the island for over a year and were here at the time TKC was active. We aren't "TKC wannabes" and we are nothing like how TKC and TI used to be...

@TCK John Dillinger @Badmansalv @iArranx @McShev

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