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Shared Bank Accounts


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
United Kingdom | Yorkshire

I was wondering if it would be possible for a way to set up joint bank accounts for people who are starting new business and would like everyone they are starting the business with to have access to the money as it would make it easier for new business or families/gangs to start new adventures and not have to wait for the one person with the money to fly in.
Yeah could be cool, could have settings to it so the owner of the bank account can change who can see it who can take money out and who can put money in
+1 could be useful for like weekly lets say me and my boys put 50k in and then thats a bank account we can all use on expenses would be really class!
As I've said in the past this has been a thing for ages however there's no way for you to create the bank accounts currently. There is some changes pending that will increase the chance of this being able to be used by people however currently it's limited to legal solicitor groups.