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Server restarts and rollbacks?

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Well-known member
So over the past few restarts, my friends and I have experienced som major rollbacks after each restart of the server, each time it's something that looks like 2 hours back into the last session, a good example is: me running around having fun, wearing gear for around 130k, I die, and then after that I basically keep killing my self because of glitches at the kavala castle, and then I drive/fly a car over the edge from the castle a few times, because nothing happens to it, and we had some fun filming it, and then server restarts and i spawn in with the gear i had on me a few hours back. 

Also with money? the message we get before and restart, is to deposit our money in the bank, and sync our data, we will loose the money we have earned aproximatly within those two hours

 - how it is to me right now, do something productive for the first two hours, and then just two hours where i'm waiting for restart

I had the same thing today. Lost over £500k from multiple.... let's say "peach" runs. Also my mags for both guns and an optic were missing. I synched multiple times in the last hour of server up-time, as well as the autosave message popping up.

Not had this problem for a while but whenever it does happen, it always seems to be in the last hour prior to a restart. Once the server is getting a bit of lag.

My friendsand I had the same problem! We lost approx 500-600k each!

There is a fix going in place for this... please follow the following before posting in this forum 

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