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Server not playable


So yeah, whenever I play at this time of the day, the server is pretty much like this:

Is it possible to make the server a bit more playable? Just a bit?

There was an issue with the server restart today, The server was on-line for 6 solid hours before it decided to die and recover.

I have amended the serverside restart system and hopefully from midnight it will restart, I will check

To be fair wilco, its like this most days and people arent recording it happening. Is there anything that can be done about the massive desync issues the server has?

I could not stop laughing, it was like a heil blade starting up. Something similar happened to me though. I was in the drug processing building. And i saw a car glitch in for a second, then i hear it pull up, then i die because it went through the wall for a second.

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