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Server made me Admin????

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Well-known member
As I was playing yesterday I noticed that I had ziptied everyone when Im not near them which only admins can do, Maratek was online at the moment and told me that it was a problem with the server. Later on that evening wilco banned me for speaking in global channel and said that only admins can use global channel, so I think that it was the server's problem not mine.

Wait, when you ziptied everyone did everyone get unziptied or did they have to relog?

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They automatically got unziptied
Alright, thats good. As long as no perm damage was put on anyone that's fine. Did you realize any sort of Debug Console popping onto your screen inside of the escape menu?

at least it was someone who is mature who got admin not some jackass...that could have ended very badly

Alright, thats good. As long as no perm damage was put on anyone that's fine. Did you realize any sort of Debug Console popping onto your screen inside of the escape menu?
No I didnt, I think maratek disabled it for me.
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