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Server 2 questions, inventory and connecting.

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Active member
I have only played on server 1, I was wondering if the vehicles/gear/cash you have from server 1 transfers over to server 2?  I have tried to use the "direct connect" from the server selection panel.  I used the address IP: s2.roleplay.co.uk Port:2302 but it doesn't connect.  Is there another way to search for the second server, I am very new to Arma 3 and not entirely familiar with how to search for desired servers yet.  Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can add that server to my favorites too.  Thanks in advance!

Yes your gear and all of that does transfer. If you can't find it go on to filter and enter "roleplay.co.uk" or "Altislife.co.uk" to find server 2 and 3 :)

Thanks!  I knew I must be overlooking something obvious!  Thanks again and maybe I will see you online sometime!  Don't hesitate to give me a shout in TS, if I have the free time I am usually willing to do NHS stuff!

Server 1, 2 and 3 are all identical except for two things:

1. Ping limitations (S2 and S3 allows users to connect up to 200 ping)

2. Server Slots (S2 and S3 has less server slots)

Hope this helps and if you have any more questions, feel free to message me.

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Don't forget server 2/3 are overflow servers are aren't online 24/7. They are put up and taken down in accordance with server demands. (Might be why you couldn't find it) 

Yes your gear and all of that does transfer. If you can't find it go on to filter and enter "roleplay.co.uk" or "Altislife.co.uk" to find server 2 and 3 :)

Do NOT put just roleplay.co.uk as your filter. use [UK/EU] roleplay.co.uk 

Don't want you heading somewhere that uses our success to boost their numbers. I have seen some of our regulars fall foul of this. 

silly krokopan.

Server 1, 2 and 3 are all identical except for two things:

1. Ping limitations (S2 and S3 allows users to connect up to 200 ping)

2. Server Slots (S2 and S3 has less server slots)

Hope this helps and if you have any more questions, feel free to message me.
Server 1 has 200 ping limit and s2 and s3 have 300ping limit btw.

Don't forget server 2/3 are overflow servers are aren't online 24/7. They are put up and taken down in accordance with server demands. (Might be why you couldn't find it) 
Actually there has been numerous issues throughout the day with Server 2, Mass DC ect. It's happened a lot today. Maybe @SI Joseph Tadworth may have some insight?

Actually there has been numerous issues throughout the day with Server 2, Mass DC ect. It's happened a lot today. Maybe @SI Joseph Tadworth may have some insight?
This topic is a month old, what has been said here by all parties is all valid information and from what I can read correct information. 

If you want any information as to the server issues you have been experiencing RECENTLY please open a new topic!

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