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SeriousRP?? I don't think so. How can this be fair??

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So considering this is a Serious RP nothing was done for my situation. I lost a truck and 63 copper bars. I was pulled over by a repo team saying I had tickets on my truck. First of all I only just bought the truck (so was pretty much brand new) and was on my second run and secondly I asked the repo team for evidence and all they did was say they would have to take up serious action so pulled out guns and pointed at me. I requested that I call the police (which considering they work for the government and going along with the RP they should have complied with my request, they should have also complied with my request to be able to view my speeding tickets which they wouldn't allow) but they didn't let me and as soon as I went to phone the police they shot me. I'm not sure how this is fair and I took this up with the admin Liquid(in game name), nothing was done, and it being a serious RP server I don't see how that was in anyway serious RP. How is any of this fair? All the admin could say was "Welcome to Altis Life!"

Like I know nothing is gonna happen but considering it a SeriousRP server I believe more should have been done other than kicking me because I thought it was unfair, which it was, as the RP displayed wasn't in compliance with the SeriousRP that is expected from players.

1. Being robbed is part of the game, I'm afraid.

2. We can't ban just because you tell us something happened. We need to have actually seen it.

It was roleplay. It's what happens. What could I of possibly done? I suggest next time you don't constantly text admins complaining and saying how shit the server is, and take the warnings you receive and stop when told. Again, it's what happens in this game.. Welcome to Altis Life.

I wasn't robbed, they were the repo team. They said they were part of the government. Surely being part of the government they have to comply with my roleplay of asking for cops? And @Liquidgot the full story an i reported on it as soon as it happened. Can nothing seriously be done? Can i not at least be compensated a truck seen as it was scrapped by the time i tried to run back to try and get it?? Its literally impossible to get a single break. Literaly start doing well then people break character and you lose everything ten nothing gets done and your back down to having nothing.

It wasn't roleplay though was it? It wasn't in compliance to the servers stated 'SeriousRP'. I'm happy to be pulled over and happy to comply with roleplay so long as they comply with mine. But they didn't and I'm being hard done by it. Completely fair.

I wasn't robbed, they were the repo team. They said they were part of the government. Surely being part of the government they have to comply with my roleplay of asking for cops? And @Liquidgot the full story an i reported on it as soon as it happened. Can nothing seriously be done? Can i not at least be compensated a truck seen as it was scrapped by the time i tried to run back to try and get it?? Its literally impossible to get a single break. Literaly start doing well then people break character and you lose everything ten nothing gets done and your back down to having nothing.

It wasn't roleplay though was it? It wasn't in compliance to the servers stated 'SeriousRP'. I'm happy to be pulled over and happy to comply with roleplay so long as they comply with mine. But they didn't and I'm being hard done by it. Completely fair.
How do you know they were from a repo team from the government? ID asked? There's no such thing as a repo team from the gov mate.

It said on their tag under their names. And having watched altis life videos before I thought it was an offence to lie about such things??

You know what it doesn't matter, I have already been threatened with a ban anyway. Ban me do what you want. That's what it'll cone down to anyway. Me getting banned for no good reason. Do what you lot want.

You know what it doesn't matter, I have already been threatened with a ban anyway. Ban me do what you want. That's what it'll cone down to anyway. Me getting banned for no good reason. Do what you lot want.
Wait, how come you are questioning the fact our server is a Serious Roleplay community eventhough (based on what you've written) you didn't even bother to read the rules? 

Reading through everything you've said I've spotted several rulebreaks:

It said on their tag under their names. 
(4.2)[COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)] You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags. Police, NHS and UNMC ranks (only ranks!) are fine to get, as they “wear clothing with the rank on” unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.) (Punishment is a kick/ban)[/COLOR]

 Can i not at least be compensated a truck seen as it was scrapped by the time i tried to run back to try and get it??

(5.3) When you respawn:

Your character does not remember any previous roleplay situations.

Your character does not remember where any of its vechiles outside the garage are

Your character does not remember any previous enemies (your killer/robber etc)

Your character cannot return within 1000m of the location of death until the 15 minute NLR timer has expired.

Your character does remember their friends & gang members.

Being robbed has happened to about everyone here on the server, it's just what some people do for RP. 

You are still more than welcome in our servers but I'd definitely recommend you to read the rules before you do so!

EDIT: I assumed Goat wasn't actually banned, so unless his unban gets approved he's not welcome in our servers

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