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Sending texts out to most citizens in the server.

John Rugen

Well-known member
Merseyside to Manchester
Hi all, so I've finally decided to save up and become a taxi driver, just got to save up first. Mainly for the RP reasons as I feel it would be amazing to play as one. I notice not many people run taxi services so that in turn means that not many  players will request a taxi. However, I feel they would if they knew there was an active taxi fella. I was wondering if sending a text to a few civilians at a time would be classed as metagaming or breaking immersion? Technically I shouldn't have their number unless they have met me but I suppose I could have gotten them from the yellow pages if that still exists.


I once sent out texts to a whole bunch of people I didn't know offering PPI. I get it on my phone IRL so I thought we should have the same in game to really increase our immersion... So personally I don't see a problem with it, so long as it is clearly a 'junk' text, and not something targeted at one person. Finishing with "To stop receiving our marketing material please send STOP to 63336" helps. Please don't spam it though - I would suggest doing it only once. 

Also, although technically against the rules, you can actually put the odd alert out in side chat. BA and ARAC are forever saying they are online and available, and I give the same permission to the Taxi service too. Just keep it short, to the point, and avoid doing it every 5 minutes. Just a quick "Altis Taxi Service is now online" or something does the job well.

Hope this helps.

I once sent out texts to a whole bunch of people I didn't know offering PPI. I get it on my phone IRL so I thought we should have the same in game to really increase our immersion... So personally I don't see a problem with it, so long as it is clearly a 'junk' text, and not something targeted at one person. Finishing with "To stop receiving our marketing material please send STOP to 63336" helps. Please don't spam it though - I would suggest doing it only once. 

Also, although technically against the rules, you can actually put the odd alert out in side chat. BA and ARAC are forever saying they are online and available, and I give the same permission to the Taxi service too. Just keep it short, to the point, and avoid doing it every 5 minutes. Just a quick "Altis Taxi Service is now online" or something does the job well.

Hope this helps.
I'm loving the PPI text! Thanks for the advice pal. Whenever I log in I may pop a short message just saying I'm online in side, if that's ok. I'll send the odd text out every now and then too until people start knowing who I am. I like the idea of finishing with a statement about how they can reply to not get anymore marketing material that's a really good idea.

Anyway, thanks buddy.
