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Selling ARAC Off-roads on Abay


Well-known member
Manchester, England, UK
So this afternoon the ARAC got a call to help General Christie in Kavala, so off we went to Kavala. Once we got there we saw he was driving a ARAC Off-road, then I remembered his name, and that he has been advertising in sidechat to repair people vehicles for the last few days.
Anyway I started to role-play with him and asking him why he wasn't in uniform while driving a ARAC Off-road(he was dressed as a Hobo), he told me he didn't have one, so I asked if he had a ARAC license and again the answer was no. Then I asked General Christie how he got the ARAC Off-road then, he said he bought it off Abay.

I'm not trying to get General Christie reported, but by him repairing peoples vehicles while using the ARAC Off-road and not being in uniform, he is breaking rule 8A.
The people who are putting the Off-road (Repair) on Abay are helping (new)people break the server rules.

So can people please stop putting the Off-road (Repair) which is the ARAC Vehicle on Abay.

Thank you for reading, drive safe and stay on the right side of the road.

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I wonder if @Ciaran can actually make it so you cannot sell Offroad Repairs. If so this would be very helpful as i don't believe there is any need to be selling ARAC vehicles on abay as the offroad is only 14k.

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I wonder if @Ciaran can actually make it so you cannot sell Offroad Repairs. If so this would be very helpful as i don't believe there is any need to be selling ARAC vehicles on abay as the offroad is only 14k.
Ive not seen the actual abay script but its fully possible and Im sure Ciaran will do it in his sleep once he reads this your request. ;)
